muratgozel / node-calver

Calendar based software versioning library as node.js module and with cli support. 📅
MIT License
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proposal: build identifier after modifiers #11

Open busla opened 2 years ago

busla commented 2 years ago

Great package, thanks for sharing 🙏🏼

I want to propose adding a build-identifier option that, if used, would be appended to a modifier. The identifier on previous versions would be ignored when determining next version, and would not affect the current version rolling logic.

This would also comply with semver conventions.

From semver:

Build metadata MUST be ignored when determining version precedence. Thus two versions that differ only in the build metadata, have the same precedence. Examples: 1.0.0-alpha+001, 1.0.0+20130313144700, 1.0.0-beta+exp.sha.5114f85, 1.0.0+21AF26D3—-117B344092BD.

Example scenario

A developer is working on the feature deployment branch fixing-stuff and determined version for the first feature deployment is accessible at There are several services that participate in the deployment, e.g. sentry, spinnaker, et.c.

A build identifier that would become part of of the deployment chain would simplify targeting regressions or broken deployments.

Example version using a build identifier:

This would allow developers and QA to quickly target where problems were solved (or occurred) during the development phase since it has a human annotation to it 😄

I am up for creating a PR if this makes sense, otherwise I will concat the build identifer to the calver version.

muratgozel commented 2 years ago

Hey 👋, thanks for pointing this out. I think this is completely valid and under the scope of this library. Let's clarify a few things before making any effort. I remember there are auto-generated build identifiers and there could be user-specified build identifiers as you suggested. The library should cover both cases if you ask me. (Maybe by placing a config param to the inc method?) I'm open to ideas and would happily accept a PR for this. My only concern for this library is to keep the codebase dependency-free and clean, easy to understand. Have you considered how to implement such logic?

busla commented 2 years ago

Hey, sounds great 🙌🏼

Right, so this is probably a hybrid of some sort, between pre-release denotation and build-identifiers. I guess both could be implemented but perhaps start with build-ids.

I totally agree with keeping the the dep-free policy 🤌

I have just scrolled through the code briefly but as a first iteration the string could be passed as a config param, like you suggest.

In the meantime, I created this wrapper 😄

muratgozel commented 2 years ago

Looking good!

Here is how it could work: An identifier property could be specified under options argument. If I set it to true, library generates the identifier. if i set it to a string, library directly chose that string as identifier by applying some validation like [a-z0-9A-Z_\-]., '2021.1.1.0', 'minor', { identifier: true })
// or, '2021.1.1.0', 'minor', { identifier: 'my-identifier' })

What do you think?

busla commented 2 years ago

That would fit the requirements. I guess the identifier would mostly be used as a passthrough from the build services but I'm sure that there are scenarios where you just want it to be generated.

Perhaps instead of boolean, a configuration object could be passed so the user can compose the identifer using known properties within the enviroment (e.g. git). That would also allow for other configs, like separator.


const options = {
  separator: '-',
  attributes: [
      commitSha: {
        length: 7,
      commitBranch: {
        maxLength: 10,
      commitAuthor: {
        maxLength: 10,
      random: {
        maxLength: 15,
busla commented 2 years ago

a simpler approach would be to offer templates for common providers, e.g. Github, Gitlab, since we have access to loads env variables already in the pipelines.

muratgozel commented 2 years ago

And those templates could be like { identifier: "[branch][hash:16]" } because some of us are already familiar with this approach:

All of the above makes sense! I think we can start with { identifier: "my-identifier" } (which I think is what you need primarily) and then expand it later to cover object type options. I would like to leave this issue open for future opinions. Send a PR please if you have time.

busla commented 2 years ago


even better to use something conventional 🙌

will create a PR soon.