murdos / musicbrainz-userscripts

Collection of userscripts for MusicBrainz, by various authors
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SVG MB logo, more HTTPS + small changes #493

Closed Schweinepriester closed 1 year ago

Schweinepriester commented 2 years ago

Noticed the MB logo doesn't look so nice, e.g. on


I've tried hard to find the logo somewhere hosted on, but haven't succeeded. @zas, maybe you know? :)

So for now the new URL is not as nice: But as you probably guess from the URL, it's from the official design system here:

And now it looks nice:


Additionally did a bit of stuff around.

In case you are wondering why I removed the protocol-relative URLs:

Now that SSL is encouraged for everyone and doesn't have performance concernsthis technique is now an anti-pattern. If the asset you need is available on SSL, then always use the https:// asset.

Please test thoroughly before merging as I haven't 🙏