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Addressing the "Maximum Subarray Problem" #58

Closed Sobunge closed 3 months ago

Sobunge commented 3 months ago

I've contributed a Java solution for the Maximum Subarray Problem. This classic algorithmic problem involves finding the contiguous subarray within a one-dimensional array of numbers that has the largest sum.

Solution Overview: a) I've implemented Kadane's Algorithm, a dynamic programming approach, to efficiently solve the problem. b) The algorithm maintains two variables, maxCurrent and maxGlobal, to track the maximum sum of contiguous subarrays. c) It iterates through the array, updating maxCurrent to be the maximum of the current element or the sum of the current element and the previous maxCurrent. d) Additionally, maxGlobal is updated to store the maximum of maxGlobal and maxCurrent at each iteration. e) Finally, the algorithm returns maxGlobal as the maximum sum of the contiguous subarray.

This solution provides an efficient and optimal way to tackle the Maximum Subarray Problem, suitable for various applications in finance, data analysis, and machine learning.