murrayds / sci-mobility-emb

Embedding of scientific mobility across institutions, cities, regions, and countries
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Choose target venue #57

Closed murrayds closed 4 years ago

murrayds commented 4 years ago

As drafting progresses, we should know what venue we are aiming towards.

This doesn't feel like a Science/Nature paper, but I could potentially see PNAS, and if not that, Nature Communications or Science Advances.

I created an ordered list in the wiki linked here. We should discuss and edit this ranking accordingly.

@yy @jisungyoon , any ideas?

jisungyoon commented 4 years ago

Maybe Science? Research Policy can be also a good candidate, there are research papers with data analysis on these days according to Woo-sung

yy commented 4 years ago

I think we can at least try n/s if we can explain why and how -- the mathematical connection between the gravity law and embedding

murrayds commented 4 years ago

I feel that the current list is fairly exhaustive: