murrty / youtube-dl-gui

Download/Convert videos from websites without needing to learn command line
GNU General Public License v3.0
433 stars 44 forks source link

Compilation error #191

Closed HercPoirot closed 1 year ago

HercPoirot commented 1 year ago

Gravité Code Description Projet Fichier Ligne État de la suppression Erreur CS1061 'HttpException' ne contient pas de définition pour 'Uri' et aucune méthode d'extension accessible 'Uri' acceptant un premier argument de type 'HttpException' n'a été trouvée (une directive using ou une référence d'assembly est-elle manquante ?) youtube-dl-gui-updater xxx\source\repos\youtube-dl-gui\youtube-dl-gui-updater\Logging\Forms\frmException.cs 276 Actif

HercPoirot commented 1 year ago

Gravité Code Description Projet Fichier Ligne État de la suppression Erreur Le fichier de configuration de l'application "App.config" n'est pas valide. Le fichier 'xxxx\source\repos\youtube-dl-gui\youtube-dl-gui\App.config' est introuvable. youtube-dl-gui xxxx\source\repos\youtube-dl-gui\youtube-dl-gui\App.config

murrty commented 1 year ago

Yes it seems building as is currently isn't possible and I do not blame myself because I do no wrong never ever, I am just simply that good and have never made a single mistake. In fact, it was voluntary so people would LOOK for the fact it's not build-able as a sign of strength that my repo is absolutely fool-proof and can be easily re-built without needing to do some funny things I have done to make it work.

HercPoirot commented 1 year ago

I appreciate the irony but I didn’t find any answer.