musa-5090-spring-2024 / musa5090s24-team3-cama

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Create a task to update vector tiles for current assessment values #14

Open mjumbewu opened 3 months ago

mjumbewu commented 3 months ago

Depends on #15

This can most easily be done with a Cloud Run shell job using ogr2ogr, or a combination of the two. In brief, there are three steps involved:

  1. Download the property_tile_info.geojson data file from the musa509s23_team01_temp_data bucket
  2. Use ogr2ogr to convert the data into a folder of Mapbox Vector Tile (MVT) protobuf (.pbf) files.
  3. Upload the resulting folder into a Google Cloud Storage bucket. The easiest way to do this may be to use the gcloud CLI.

You could instead implement these steps using all Python or Node in a Cloud Function, but it would be more trouble. More detail about the Cloud Run approach follows.

What's Cloud Run?

Google Cloud Run allows you to specify instructions for installing your dependencies and running your program in a virtual machine on Google's infrastructure. A virtual machine into which your dependencies get pre-installed is called a "container" (or sometimes a "container image"). Cloud Run installs your dependencies according to your instructions into a container, and uses that container to run your program.

Google Cloud Functions is actually implemented on top of Google Cloud Run. In the case of Cloud Functions, Google has simply given you a choice of container building instructions ("runtimes") to choose from. For example, if you select the Python runtime and upload your code, Cloud Functions will build a container by installing everything in your requirements.txt file, and then run your when the container starts up.

Create a container for Cloud Run

For Cloud Run, we'll use a container definition script called a Dockerfile. The following Dockerfile will create a container that contains the dependencies mentioned above (GDAL for ogr2ogr, and the gcloud CLI):

# This Dockerfile is a mix of two documentation sources:

# ----------

# Use a gcloud image based on debian:buster-slim for a lean production container.

RUN apt-get update

# Install GDAL for ogr2ogr
RUN apt-get install -y gdal-bin

# Execute next commands in the directory /workspace
WORKDIR /workspace

# Copy over the script to the /workspace directory

# Just in case the script doesn't have the executable bit set
RUN chmod +x ./

# Run the script when starting the container
CMD [ "./" ]

In the same folder as Dockerfile, create a file named When the container is built, this script file will be copied in. The script should contain the following:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -ex

# Download the property_tile_info.geojson file from the temp bucket.
gcloud storage cp \
  gs://musa509s23_team01_temp_data/property_tile_info.geojson \

# Convert the geojson file to a vector tileset in a folder named "properties".
# The tile set will be in the range of zoom levels 12-18. See the ogr2ogr docs
# at for more information.
ogr2ogr \
  -f MVT \
  -dsco MINZOOM=12 \
  -dsco MAXZOOM=18 \
  -dsco COMPRESS=NO \
  ./properties \

# Upload the vector tileset to the public bucket.
gcloud storage cp \
  --recursive \
  ./properties \

Deploy the Cloud Run job

In order to deploy a script to Cloud Run, you first have to build that script into a container. Use the following command to do so:

gcloud builds submit \
  --region us-central1 \

This will tell Google Cloud Platform to start building your folder into a container according to the instructions in the Dockerfile. GCP will tag that container as (all containers built with GCP must start with -- that's just a rule Google imposes). After the build is done (you'll see a bunch of output telling you what is going on at each step) you can use that container tag to deploy a Cloud Run job like so:

gcloud beta run jobs create generate-property-map-tiles \
  --image \
  --service-account \
  --cpu 4 \
  --memory 2Gi \
  --region us-central1

Testing the job

gcloud beta run jobs \
  execute generate-property-map-tiles \
  --region us-central1

If it's working correctly, it will take a while (like 15 minutes), but will complete by copying a bunch of tile files to GCS.

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