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Macro or tool to "paste as cue notes" #13570

Open oMrSmith opened 1 year ago

oMrSmith commented 1 year ago

It takes a lot of steps to create cue notes in muse score:

  1. select range
  2. copy selected range
  3. select destination
  4. paste
  5. exchange voice 1-2
  6. select note
  7. add text
  8. re-select range
  9. filter out voice 1
  10. hide
  11. switch to part
  12. re-select range
  13. make small
  14. uncheck "play"
  15. switch back to score
  16. disable selection filter

It would be extremely helpful to get a tool or plugin to "Past as Cue notes".

PS: The kings-way would probably be to select a range of rests within part A, mark it as "cue-range" and then select part B as a source for it. This way cue notes could become dynamic like in Dorico, where changing the source material updates the cue notes...

Tantacrul commented 1 year ago

Good idea.

wizofaus commented 2 weeks ago

Yes please! Just tried adding some cue notes to get this:


And it was surprisingly painful, including having to edit the mscx file to put the clef there (edit: I since discovered there's no need to do this, there's literally a UI feature to move a clef to be positioned after the barline - just wasn't obvious because it seems you have to select the courtesy clef that appears at the end of the previous system to use it). But mainly around ensuring that the full score was unaffected by the addition of the clefs/notes/text

iainhallam commented 2 weeks ago

Sibelius can also paste as a cue that updates the cue notes when the original music changes.

shoogle commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, we shouldn't copy and paste cue notes. Instead we should have something like a line element for cues.

When you add a cue line, MuseScore would ask which instrument's notes you want to display, and then it would show those notes and keep them up to date with the original.

If you make the line longer it would show more notes. If you make it shorter it would show fewer notes.

wizofaus commented 2 weeks ago

That sounds nifty but I suspect it might get tricky in practice - e.g. if you want a queue a violin playing artificial harmonics, and just want to show the sounding pitches (which might not even be shown in the violin part). Plus you generally do need at least some control over what else other than notes need showing (e.g. I can imagine you might want "pizz." shown because it makes such a huge difference to what you need to listen for, but other directives, particularly expressive ones, are unlikely to be useful). Also I'm not sure (as per my example above) it's always going to be possible to correctly deduce what clef to use - alto clef is probably fine for a viola cue in a violin part, but would you use it for a piccolo part? But a feature to automatically link the cue notes in the first place, where, as you suggest, you pick an instrument and a number of beats (or whatever), would be a huge help, if it defaulted to sensible behaviour 95% of the time.

wizofaus commented 2 weeks ago

BTW there are also parts with cues like this: (interestingly enough that uses tenor clef for a trombone cue - in a flute part...not sure if I were a flute player I'd be super keen about that. But as I singer I'm very much used to needing cues for their pitches, whereas I guess for instrumentalists that's less of an issue).

shoogle commented 2 weeks ago

The cue line could be configured via the Style dialog and/or Properties panel. It could have options to:

I imagine most composers would be happy with our defaults. It would mainly be transcribers who would be intested in changing settings to match the cues they see in a particular edition.

jeetee commented 2 weeks ago

If the elements from the cue could be treated somewhat similar to linked parts, It'd allow individual tuning of visibility and sizes or (additional) text markings.

rpatters1 commented 5 days ago

Is there a planned features per version list somewhere? Cues are a major shortcoming compared to (in particular) Dorico. This needs to be scheduled. At the very least a plugin should be written to automate the steps in the original post.

EDIT: Nevermind, I found the backlog list.