musescore / MuseScore

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[MU4 Issue] Some microtonal plugin doesn't work in MU4 #14754

Closed kyeon-go closed 2 weeks ago

kyeon-go commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug I'm making a microtonal music, but this plugin not work. I checked another microtonal-related plugins but they also doesn't work.

Is this related to

Expected behavior Applied n-TET tuning to my score, as in MU 3.x

Platform information

Additional context In latest musescore 3.x, it works perfectly!

kyeon-go commented 1 year ago

I checked qml files of this plugin, Ms.CHORD used in all qmls. So I replaced it with Element.CHORD and re-ran that, but they crashes

22:28:41.212 | INFO  | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher | dispatch: try call action: tune n-edo
22:28:41.366 | INFO  | main_thread | Profiler   | 

Main thread. Top 150 by sum time (total count: 143)
Function                                                    Call time         Call count        Sum time          
PluginsService::init                                        1514.484 ms       1                 1514.484 ms       
PluginsService::readPlugins                                 1509.409 ms       1                 1509.409 ms       
AbstractNotationPaintView::movePlaybackCursor               0.070 ms          17571             1232.034 ms       
UiActionsRegister::updateEnabledAll                         14.601 ms         45                657.050 ms        
NotationActionController::canReceiveAction                  0.036 ms          14418             519.776 ms        
NotationProject::save                                       157.475 ms        3                 472.424 ms        
Score::update                                               48.631 ms         9                 437.677 ms        
Score::doLayoutRange                                        87.506 ms         5                 437.531 ms        
LayoutPage::collectPage                                     16.866 ms         25                421.651 ms        
LayoutSystem::collectSystem                                 3.003 ms          140               420.417 ms        
UiContextResolver::currentUiContext                         0.042 ms          7947              333.996 ms        
ProjectActionsController::doOpenProject                     333.956 ms        1                 333.956 ms        
EngravingProject::writeMscz                                 107.396 ms        3                 322.188 ms        
NavigationController::onActiveRequested                     10.413 ms         30                312.402 ms        
NotationInteraction::notifyAboutSelectionChangedIfNeed      54.320 ms         5                 271.598 ms        
DockWindow::loadPage                                        110.277 ms        2                 220.553 ms        
SoundFontRepository::loadSoundFontPaths                     213.214 ms        1                 213.214 ms        
NotationInteraction::select                                 53.169 ms         4                 212.675 ms        
NavigationController::activePanel                           0.024 ms          8010              192.201 ms        
AbstractNotationPaintView::adjustCanvasPosition             0.011 ms          17136             189.205 ms        
InspectorListModel::setElementList                          25.586 ms         7                 179.102 ms        
NotationProject::load                                       164.980 ms        1                 164.980 ms        
NotationProject::doLoad                                     164.635 ms        1                 164.635 ms        
AbstractNotationPaintView::mousePressEvent                  49.283 ms         3                 147.849 ms        
Score::createThumbnail                                      39.878 ms         3                 119.633 ms        
DockWindow::loadPageContent                                 55.694 ms         2                 111.389 ms        
DockWindow::addDock                                         3.133 ms          32                100.250 ms        
StartupScenario::run                                        72.784 ms         1                 72.784 ms         
NavigationController::activeSection                         0.008 ms          8010              66.383 ms         
DockWindow::loadPanels                                      30.912 ms         2                 61.824 ms         
PlaybackModel::updateEvents                                 12.321 ms         5                 61.605 ms         
EngravingProject::loadMscz                                  50.273 ms         1                 50.273 ms         
ScoreReader::loadMscz                                       50.248 ms         1                 50.248 ms         
NotationActionController::resetState                        48.173 ms         1                 48.173 ms         
AbstractMenuModel::setItems                                 1.779 ms          23                40.915 ms         
DockWindow::restorePageState                                18.846 ms         2                 37.692 ms         
DockWindow::restoreLayout                                   12.535 ms         3                 37.604 ms         
InstrumentsRepository::load                                 34.875 ms         1                 34.875 ms         
NotationInteraction::clearSelection                         30.589 ms         1                 30.589 ms         
DockWindow::loadToolBars                                    13.722 ms         2                 27.444 ms         
NavigationControl::setPanel                                 0.030 ms          834               24.769 ms         
SlurSegment::avoidCollisions                                0.056 ms          409               22.911 ms         
PluginsService::scanFileSystemForPlugins                    18.434 ms         1                 18.434 ms         
AppMenuModel::load                                          18.207 ms         1                 18.207 ms         
DockWindow::onQuit                                          17.987 ms         1                 17.987 ms         
MasterNotation::setMasterScore                              15.723 ms         1                 15.723 ms         
DockBase::componentComplete                                 0.207 ms          57                11.801 ms         
DockWindow::loadTopLevelToolBars                            5.239 ms          2                 10.478 ms         
dock::clearRegistry                                         3.416 ms          3                 10.248 ms         
LanguagesService::init                                      10.170 ms         1                 10.170 ms         
DockWindow::savePageState                                   5.053 ms          2                 10.106 ms         
DockWindow::windowState                                     2.928 ms          3                 8.785 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::moveCanvasToPosition             0.916 ms          9                 8.247 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::mouseMoveEvent                   0.885 ms          9                 7.964 ms          
LanguagesService::setCurrentLanguage                        7.865 ms          1                 7.865 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::moveCanvas                       0.949 ms          8                 7.592 ms          
InstrumentsPanelTreeModel::load                             2.448 ms          3                 7.344 ms          
NavigationPanel::addControl                                 0.009 ms          750               7.073 ms          
CloudService::init                                          6.677 ms          1                 6.677 ms          
NotationSwitchListModel::load                               5.350 ms          1                 5.350 ms          
NotationSwitchListModel::loadNotations                      5.311 ms          1                 5.311 ms          
NotationNoteInput::updateInputState                         1.026 ms          5                 5.131 ms          
PluginsService::registerShortcuts                           4.509 ms          1                 4.509 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::onViewSizeChanged                1.906 ms          2                 3.812 ms          
NavigationController::activeControl                         0.051 ms          70                3.562 ms          
NoteInputBarModel::data                                     0.008 ms          435               3.414 ms          
NavigationController::doDeactivateSection                   0.174 ms          19                3.308 ms          
NavigationPanel::setSection_property                        0.019 ms          151               2.903 ms          
NavigationController::doDeactivatePanel                     0.080 ms          35                2.805 ms          
DockBase::applySizeConstraints                              0.041 ms          69                2.805 ms          
RepeatList::unwind                                          0.019 ms          141               2.680 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::setScaling                       2.346 ms          1                 2.346 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::scale                            2.327 ms          1                 2.327 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::forceFocusIn                     0.258 ms          9                 2.320 ms          
LanguagesService::loadLanguages                             2.251 ms          1                 2.251 ms          
PlaybackModel::clearExpiredEvents                           0.529 ms          4                 2.118 ms          
NavigationPanel::removeControl                              0.010 ms          196               1.951 ms          
DockWindow::initDocks                                       0.943 ms          2                 1.886 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::notationContentRect              0.009 ms          193               1.685 ms          
ShortcutsRegister::reload                                   1.658 ms          1                 1.658 ms          
UiActionsRegister::updateEnabled                            0.268 ms          6                 1.608 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::load                             1.575 ms          1                 1.575 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::onNotationSetup                  1.517 ms          1                 1.517 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::onCurrentNotationChanged         1.458 ms          1                 1.458 ms          
MStyle::read                                                1.399 ms          1                 1.399 ms          
DockPageView::init                                          0.657 ms          2                 1.314 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::startHorizontalScrollPosition    0.030 ms          43                1.304 ms          
DockWindow::componentComplete                               1.303 ms          1                 1.303 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::verticalScrollbarSize            0.056 ms          22                1.232 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::horizontalScrollbarSize          0.054 ms          22                1.186 ms          
NavigationController::doDeactivateControl                   0.009 ms          127               1.186 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::startVerticalScrollPosition      0.024 ms          43                1.040 ms          
ShortcutsRegister::readFromFile                             0.512 ms          2                 1.024 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::constraintCanvas                 0.044 ms          19                0.837 ms          
EngravingProject::setupMasterScore                          0.827 ms          1                 0.827 ms          
EngravingProject::doSetupMasterScore                        0.810 ms          1                 0.810 ms          
NavigationSection::addPanel                                 0.008 ms          81                0.642 ms          
NavigationController::reg                                   0.011 ms          51                0.571 ms          
SymNames::loadNameToSymIdHash                               0.562 ms          1                 0.562 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::scrollableAreaRect               0.029 ms          19                0.555 ms          
DockPanelMenuModel::load                                    0.042 ms          13                0.549 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::verticalScrollableSize           0.024 ms          22                0.534 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::horizontalScrollableSize         0.022 ms          22                0.495 ms          
DockWindow::saveGeometry                                    0.456 ms          1                 0.456 ms          
NotationActionController::init                              0.424 ms          1                 0.424 ms          
UiActionsRegister::updateShortcutsAll                       0.209 ms          2                 0.419 ms          
UiActionsRegister::updateCheckedAll                         0.401 ms          1                 0.401 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::onPlayingChanged                 0.050 ms          7                 0.351 ms          
ShortcutsRegister::expandStandardKeys                       0.154 ms          2                 0.309 ms          
UiActionsRegister::updateChecked                            0.029 ms          10                0.293 ms          
DockWindow::registerDock                                    0.008 ms          34                0.288 ms          
NavigationController::unreg                                 0.012 ms          23                0.282 ms          
NavigationSection::removePanel                              0.010 ms          28                0.273 ms          
InstrumentsPanelContextMenuModel::loadItems                 0.232 ms          1                 0.232 ms          
ProjectConfiguration::setRecentProjectPaths                 0.192 ms          1                 0.192 ms          
NotationStatusBarModel::load                                0.085 ms          2                 0.169 ms          
CloudService::readTokens                                    0.167 ms          1                 0.167 ms          
ShortcutsRegister::makeUnique                               0.164 ms          1                 0.164 ms          
InstrumentsPanelTreeModel::loadMasterPart                   0.049 ms          3                 0.148 ms          
NotationInteraction::doSelect                               0.036 ms          4                 0.144 ms          
DockWindow::restoreGeometry                                 0.143 ms          1                 0.143 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::ensureViewportInsideScrollableAre0.056 ms          2                 0.111 ms          
NotationPageModel::updateDrumsetPanelVisibility             0.018 ms          6                 0.107 ms          
ProjectConfiguration::recentProjectPaths                    0.049 ms          2                 0.098 ms          
Score::setUpTempoMap                                        0.098 ms          1                 0.098 ms          
NotationInteraction::notifyAboutNotationChanged             0.086 ms          1                 0.086 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::alignToCurrentPageBorder         0.008 ms          9                 0.075 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::onNoteInputStateChanged          0.012 ms          6                 0.070 ms          
NotationPageModel::init                                     0.064 ms          1                 0.064 ms          
PluginsConfiguration::readPluginsConfiguration              0.059 ms          1                 0.059 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::hideContextMenu                  0.019 ms          2                 0.038 ms          
Workspace::rawData                                          0.009 ms          4                 0.035 ms          
PluginsConfiguration::parsePluginsConfiguration             0.033 ms          1                 0.033 ms          
ProjectConfiguration::parseRecentProjectsPaths              0.014 ms          2                 0.028 ms          
MasterNotation::initExcerptNotations                        0.026 ms          1                 0.026 ms          
ShortcutsRegister::mergeShortcuts                           0.026 ms          1                 0.026 ms          
AbstractNotationPaintView::updateLoopMarkers                0.020 ms          1                 0.020 ms          
engraving::markInstrumentsAsPrimary                         0.016 ms          1                 0.016 ms          
InstrumentsPanelTreeModel::clear                            0.015 ms          1                 0.015 ms          
UiArrangement::toolConfig                                   0.013 ms          1                 0.013 ms          
StartupScenario::onStartupPageOpened                        0.012 ms          1                 0.012 ms          
UiConfiguration::readThemes                                 0.010 ms          1                 0.010 ms          
MasterNotation::doSetExcerpts                               0.009 ms          1                 0.009 ms          

Other threads. Top 150 by sum time (total count: 10)
Function                                                    Call time         Call count        Sum time          
AbstractNotationPaintView::paint                            13.350 ms         7953              106176.122 ms     
NotationPainting::doPaint                                   12.881 ms         7953              102443.518 ms     
NotationPainting::paintPageSheet                            0.246 ms          14839             3645.227 ms       
AbstractNotationPaintView::paintBackground                  0.369 ms          7953              2930.893 ms       
LearnService::th_requestPlaylist                            825.814 ms        1                 825.814 ms        
LearnService::th_requestPlaylist                            723.750 ms        1                 723.750 ms        
SynthResolver::resolveSynth                                 54.015 ms         2                 108.030 ms        
SynthResolver::resolveAvailableResources                    0.018 ms          1                 0.018 ms          
SlurSegment::avoidCollisions                                0.013 ms          1                 0.013 ms          
FxResolver::resolveFxList                                   0.011 ms          1                 0.011 ms          

22:28:41.367 | INFO  | main_thread | AppShell   | run: activeThreadCount: 0
22:28:41.483 | WARN  | main_thread | MuseSamplerResolver | clearSources: Not supported!!
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.508115:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.508563:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.508623:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f1422000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.508673:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.508770:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f141b000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.508880:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.508950:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f120d000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.509096:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.509184:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f1000000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.509266:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.509287:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f0ff7000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.509331:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.509452:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f0fe3000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.509498:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.509572:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f0fd9000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.509714:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.509759:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f0fc9000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510003:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510023:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f0fc3000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510067:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510087:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f0fb7000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510175:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510197:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f0fac000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510241:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510260:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f0fa2000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510333:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510352:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f0f82000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510396:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510416:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f0f6b000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510493:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510513:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f0f5f000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510858:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510916:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f0ea9000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510964:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.510984:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f0e53000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.511156:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.511176:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f0da3000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.511218:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.511237:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3f0d79000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.511770:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.514582:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.514747:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.514855:ERROR] no preferred header address
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.515044:ERROR] no module mappings 0x7fa3e9a9c000
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.517010:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.517259:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.517562:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.517706:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.517847:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.518005:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.518151:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.518278:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.518450:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.518610:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.518809:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.519328:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.519451:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.519720:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.519843:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.520057:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.520182:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.520305:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.520429:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.520519:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.520650:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.520774:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.520935:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.521064:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.521170:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.521399:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.521692:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.521813:ERROR elf_dynamic_array_reader.h:61] tag not found
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.523134:ERROR] open /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq: No such file or directory (2)
[25607:25607:20221126,222841.523217:ERROR] open /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq: No such file or directory (2)
/tmp/.mount_MuseScLaamUj/AppRun: line 26: 25600 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) "${APPDIR}/bin/mscore4portablenightly" "$@"
cbjeukendrup commented 1 year ago

This "crash" looks like the plug-in calls Qt.quit(), which quits whole MuseScore. Please try just quit() instead.

kyeon-go commented 1 year ago

Thanks! MS doesn't crash now and plugin works well except re-run MS after applied plugin @cbjeukendrup

DaffodilAura commented 1 year ago

This plugin needs some serious rework in order to reach EDOs like 159edo and 311edo, and needs to incorporate Syntonic-Rastmic Subchroma notation in order to work with systems like those. We need to get Flora Canou involved in order to update this plugin.

At any rate, I'm in the process of creating an issue for this now...