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[MU4 and Muse Sound] Notes play legato when no slur is added (woodwinds but not only) #15099

Open sberla365 opened 1 year ago

sberla365 commented 1 year ago

When playing clean notes without attacks or slurs, the resulting sound is legato, when the common interpretation is with a light staccato and each note is tongued. I attach a video with an example in which the figures sound exactly the same whether the slur is added or not. (The video is static due to an issue with my laptop, the scroll bar actually works in MU),

(The same happens with brasses and strings: clean passages and slurred play exactly the same)

Expected behaviour: notes are tongued

zacjansheski commented 1 year ago

I think the lack of difference is there in both MS Basic and Muse Sounds

LucySuccubus commented 3 months ago

These are other issue that I believe will also be fixed once this issue report is fixed as well:





15202 (Though not specifically about legato vs. non-legato)

wizofaus commented 2 months ago

"light staccato" is wrong to me - I'd typically expected unslurred notes without any staccato or accent markings to be played back "sostenuto" (close to full length), but rearticulated - for winds that's tongued, for strings that's re-bowed (for percussion/keyboard instruments every note is always rearticulated, so at least for piano music you'd tend to distinguish by slightly reducing note length for non-legato and compensating in "legato" by potentially slightly overlapping note lengths, and use of the pedal).

But it's also now true that depending on the sound library you use you get quite different interpretations.

wizofaus commented 1 month ago

BTW this is at least partly because currently the MuseSamplerSequencer only ever sends nominal note durations to Muse Sampler, rather than the "actualDuration" values calculated based on articulation profiles etc.