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Better looking slashes and crosses in guitar tablature #19084

Open ShibuyaCyana opened 1 year ago

ShibuyaCyana commented 1 year ago

Your idea

As in title

Problem to be solved

These are slashes in Guitar Pro: image And in MuseScore4: image

The steps to make slashes and crosses in Guitar Pro is:

  1. select a note or a chord, click slash in palette, then it becomes a big slash;
  2. select a slash, click dead note in palette, then it becomes a big cross;
  3. if clicking dead note when selecting note or chord instead of big slash, they will become small crosses instead.

Step 1 used to have bug in MU3 but fixed in MU4, tho the slashes don't look well in tablature, either version; Step 2 is not achievable in MU3 or MU4. Trying to create a big cross in MU using the same step results in the picture above; Step 3 is implemented in both MU3 and MU4, but the crosses looks weird in tablature. see also #11602 and #16500.

Prior art

No response


as what Marc has said, we can actually achieve the Guitar Pro style manually, tho its not perfect or efficient. See my comment below for a step by step instruction. If further discussion of the workaround is needed, please continue in the thread below, and keep this issue on topic.

rgreen5 commented 9 months ago

Slash noteheads in tablature are currently unusable; without them you cannot write rhythm parts. This how they should look: All Along the Watchtower ( And slashes need to play back (rather than mute) by default.

MarcSabatella commented 9 months ago

FWIW, as a workaround it's easy enough to add slashes or large X noteheads from the Symbols palette to the notes on tablature. You can also attach stems to these symbols and add the combined symbol to a palette for easy reuse.

But of course, a native solution would be nice too - ideally as part of a more generalized improved slash notation facility.

ShibuyaCyana commented 9 months ago

well, at least I can't find a way to make tablature numbers look like this; they do become small x and /, but not big slashes or crosses as shown in guitar pro screenshot. If there's a way please tell me. And what is a combined symbol? sounds like a useful function, tho I did a google search and find nothing.

MarcSabatella commented 9 months ago

As I said, the workaround is to use the Symbols palette - you can reproduce that GP look pretty easily. If you need help with that, please ask on the Support forum on, so this issue tracker can be focused on the feature request itself.

rgreen5 commented 9 months ago

FWIW, as a workaround it's easy enough to add slashes or large X noteheads from the Symbols palette to the notes on tablature.

AFAICS, it can't be done. If you hide all the underlying slashes, you hide the overlying slash + stem symbols as well. Even if that could be resolved there are problems with length/width of stem, and moving it precisely into position is well-nigh impossible.

MarcSabatella commented 9 months ago

That's true only if you hide the whole range. Try hiding just note the notes. Easiest to hide them as a range, before attaching the symbols. Or hide everything and then go back and unhide the symbols. It definitely works, although as noted, it's just a workaround. And yes, fiddly to get the stem positioned right, but hardly impossible. Once you set up the combined symbol once, add to your palette for easy reuse as mentioned.

For further discussion of workarounds, please start a discussion in the Support forum on, so this issue tracker can stay focused on the request itself.

ShibuyaCyana commented 9 months ago

So this is the step by step workaround, if someone really wanna do it for now:

and a gif to make this comment more eye-catching: slashes

@MarcSabatella @rgreen5 let's hide our derailed comments, continuing in thread if in need.