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Corrupt Score after simple edit #20314

Open brandonbrookspercussion opened 10 months ago

brandonbrookspercussion commented 10 months ago

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Bug description

I wanted to make a simple edit. The rhythm in m16 is displaced. I wanted to edit all of the measures that were identical m36 m41.

It wouldn’t let me save without saving a a corrupt file. The error message said it was an incomplete measure. After another attempt it said the measure was showing up as 19/16 time signature.

Oddly that is a time signature from another piece I’m currently working on. In Musescore 3 the actual piece I worked on in 19/16 caused all kinds of issues and corrupted. I decided to start that piece over in Musescore 4. It’s interesting that this is happening but in a different piece.

I tried to attach the mscz file but it wouldn’t attach. I’ll see if it will after I upload this thread.

Steps to reproduce

Delete m36. re-enter correct rhythm File goes corrupt.

Screenshots/Screen recordings

No response

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Operating system

macOS Sonoma 14.1.1

Additional context

Do You Hear What I Hear?.pdf

brandonbrookspercussion commented 10 months ago

Error now says the measure is in 28/16 after simply deleting all notes in one of the measures. I attempted a corruption repair but it said no corruption found.

Screenshot 2023-12-04 at 9 59 35 PM Screenshot 2023-12-04 at 10 00 59 PM
MarcSabatella commented 10 months ago

To attach a score, ZIP it (or just rename it to end in ".zip").

Note that according to the error message, the problem is in a part, not the full score, and is talking about a different measure entirely. My guess is the problem is already there in the score, in which case, we'd need to know steps starting from a score not already corrupted.

brandonbrookspercussion commented 10 months ago

The different measure is after opening again and attempting to make the changes. I'm not sure why it said a different measure than previously.

Well the score was complete with no issues. The steps leading up to the corruption were simply me editing measure 16 (and the others listed). I copied the notes in the measure, deleted all notes in the measure and pasted the notes one count earlier. Example: phrase starting on count 2 ending on 4 moved to starting on 1 ending on 3 now with a rest on count 4.

brandonbrookspercussion commented 10 months ago

Do You Hear What I Hear?

MarcSabatella commented 10 months ago

I can reproduce the corruption following these steps:

1) select beats 2-4, measure 31, top staff 2) Ctrl+C 3) select the full measure 4) Delete (leaves the full measure rest selected) 5) Ctrl+V 6) Save

I wasn't able to reproduce any error in bar 16 or 36 in a few minutes of trying - but I note 36 has a two-bar repeat on a couple of staves, and that's always a bit suspect. So I don't doubt there would be a corrupt it as well.

brandonbrookspercussion commented 10 months ago

Marc, should I delete the 2 bar repeat and just put in the actual notes?

I think was an issue in the previous version of MS3 as well.

MarcSabatella commented 10 months ago

That’s up to you. MU3 didn’t even have two-bar repeats - it’s new in MU4. And as with any new feature, it has its share of bugs - some have been know to cause corruptions. I find multi-measure repeats of limited value personally so I rarely use them, but I know others swear by them, especially for percussion.

brandonbrookspercussion commented 10 months ago

I guess what I was wondering, is, if changing that would eliminate the corruption, or is the corruption now there, and won't go away.

Yes, as percussion, we do like our repeat symbols . Lol.

MarcSabatella commented 10 months ago

Since the corruption I was able to reproduce is in bar 31, the two-bar repeat in 35-36 doesn't seem likely to be relevant, but you're welcome to try experimenting of course.

If you have precise steps to reproduce a corruption in bar 36 (or any bar other than 31), please list them.

If you need help narrowing this down, please ask in the Support forum on, and then update this issue once you have precise steps.

brandonbrookspercussion commented 10 months ago

Ok. I opened it back up. I removed all of the 2 bar repeats and it saved fine. When I edited measure 31 it went corrupt again. Did not save and reopened. Saved to check for corruption. It was ok.

Went to the timpani part (per the error) and deleted m46. Went back to score. It saved ok.

Tried to edit m31 again. Corrupted. Closed Opened last save.

At every attempted change for m31 is where the corruption occurs.

Closed Opened last save Deleted notes in m31 in part AND score. Saved ok.

I thought the forum on shut down. Should I post here first typically or there?

MarcSabatella commented 10 months ago

The forum on most definitely is still active. Maybe you are thinking about the old issue tracker that used to be there on that site? That old issue tracker indeed closed. But the support forum remains as it always has been - the first place you should go to when you think you have possibly found a bug but need help narrowing down precise steps to reproduce it. It's also good to get feedback there to confirm others can understand your steps, that the bug is reproducible with those steps, and to make sure it isn't already reported or already fixed. Also to make sure it isn't a misunderstanding, although of course crashes and corruptions are always bugs.

The goal is that discussions like we are having now shouldn't be happening here - they belong on the forum. Ideally, the only thing that would appear here are bug reports with attached scores and precise and clear step by step instructions given, no further discussion or trial and error needed in order for developers to then follow those steps and reproduce the issue. So unless your bug is absolutely that clear, it should be discussed on the forum first.

Again, the steps I listed above are sufficient to reproduce the issues in measure 31, so nothing further is needed here unless you also have steps to produce a different corruption.

brandonbrookspercussion commented 10 months ago

Sounds great. Thank you for your help.

I was guided here when the issue tracker was shut down, thus my posts.