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Fix automatic unalignment of multiple voices in chords #20686

Open irwir opened 11 months ago

irwir commented 11 months ago

Your idea

Keep centers of note heads vertically aligned, unless visible stems or close tones require displacement.

Problem to be solved

As described in the issue #20571, try to enter 3 notes as a chord in a violin score:

  1. Voice 1, quarter C6
  2. Voice 2, half C5
  3. Voice 3, whole C4 (middle C)

It was expected to see all 3 notes aligned, but when C4 was entered, C5 note would be on the left from C4 and C6 . In this case it was possible to get the desired alignmen by flipping stem direction of stemless whole note C6t, but this is an additional manual action which should have been unnecessary.

Prior art

Tried the given example with two notation programs at hand, PriMus build 11978 and SIbelius 2023.5.1. Both programs could align the same set of tones and voices automatically and correctly.

irwir commented 10 months ago

At least part of the issue is that stemmed notes (including stem width) is narrower than whole notes, and program tries to align left or right sides of notes instead of head centers.