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Slurs refinements #21405

Open sammik opened 4 months ago

sammik commented 4 months ago

Your idea

In some special situations slurs in default position are not beautifull enough. path1

Problem to be solved

Add rules for specific situations.

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DaddyLudwig commented 4 months ago

Also, cross staff slurs collide with chords with seconds in them and the only way to avoid that right now as far as I'm aware, at least with the slur still looking relatively normal, is stretching out the measure like crazy. Would be nice if that could be refined a bit as well so that the collision would be avoided even without the measure stretch. Example from a Beethoven score before and after the stretch.

Before (note, it was 2 or 3 measures per system before with just the right hand sixteenths, I just zoomed way in on the measure so you could see the collision better): Slur collision

After, now at 1 measure per system where the cross staff slurs are, no collision: Slur After

As I said though, it would be nice if I didn't necessarily have to stretch out the measure so far just to stop it from colliding with a note in the chord. Granted, this stretch in the Beethoven was a result of the 32nds and 64ths in the measures before and after the cross staff slurs, not me fiddling around with measure stretch, but what if I saw this same cross staff 2 note slur of an inverted seventh chord in a piece without 32nds and 64ths nearby to cause the measures to stretch? In that situation, I'd have to manually stretch out the measure and just that measure until no collision was present.

The score of the Beethoven cello sonata I was looking at didn't have that crazy measure stretch or the slur collision.

Score from Breitkopf edition of the same piece: Cello Sonata