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Cannons as an Instrument #21682

Open MusicGentlemen opened 5 months ago

MusicGentlemen commented 5 months ago

Your idea

Dear Musescore Development Team,

I am writing to request the inclusion of cannons as a playable instrument in Musescore. An example is Tchaikovsky's renowned "1812 Overture" which features cannons as a component, where their thunderous blasts symbolize historical events with remarkable auditory effects. By incorporating cannons into Musescore's instrument library, we composers, arrangers, and transcribers will have the flexibility to accurately notate and simulate these iconic moments in compositions, further enriching the platform's versatility and appeal to a wide range of musical styles and genres.

Thank you for considering this request, and I look forward to seeing cannons added as an instrument option in future versions of Musescore.

Sincerely, Music Gentleman

Problem to be solved

If cannons were to be included as an instrument on Musescore, it would provide composers and arrangers with a valuable tool for creating dynamic and immersive musical experiences. Incorporating cannons into compositions would enhance the realism of pieces requiring cannon sound effects, such as military-themed marches, historical reenactments, or cinematic scores. Additionally, it would expand the creative possibilities for composers exploring unconventional sounds and textures in their music, adding depth and excitement to their compositions. Overall, the inclusion of cannons as an instrument in Musescore would enrich the platform and empower users to craft more evocative and engaging musical works.

Prior art

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Additional context

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DaddyLudwig commented 5 months ago

I was able to get a pretty convincing artillery sound with the existing percussion and MuseFX when I needed it for Wellington's Victory, a lesser known Beethoven piece that has artillery in the instrumentation.

Percussion and effects for artillery:


Setup for each of the effects for one of the cannon staves:


And the result of fiddling around with MuseFX, with the artillery instruments soloed:

And with full orchestra: