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Staccato ignored on tied notes #22019

Open Thiago-Morais opened 3 months ago

Thiago-Morais commented 3 months ago

Issue type

General playback bug

Bug description

Any staccato on a tied note is ignored regardless of where the staccato is

There would be a "workaround" if you don't use staccato at all on tied notes and just use one short note, however, when you use "Tools/Regroup Rhythm" in a situation where a note must be split into tied notes it breaks the previous staccato.

Therefore either a staccato tied note must be played as a normal single long note with staccato or the Regroup Rhythm must alter the note so that the staccato plays in the same way the previous one did. Like using only the first part of the tie and deleting the second part entirely

This happens with Muse Sounds and MS Basic

Steps to reproduce

  1. Use a 12/8 time
  2. Fill the measure with staccato quarter notes
  3. Apply "Tools/Regroup Rhythm"
  4. Listen playback

Screenshots/Screen recordings

MuseScore Version

MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.2.1-240230937, revision: github-musescore-musescore-d757433



Operating system

OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64,

Additional context

Error - Staccato ignored after regroup

bkunda commented 3 weeks ago

Giving this a P2 because the circumstances in which it occurs are slightly more niche than those to which we've given P1 status.

sammik commented 3 weeks ago

Seems to be duplicate of #17130