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Fix cross system anchors issues #23343

Open mike-spa opened 1 week ago

mike-spa commented 1 week ago

Resolves: #23327

This PR resolves points 1-3 of the related issue. Namely:

This PR doesn't attempt to solve point 4, i.e. dragging items to a different system, because that's something that's always been a jankfest in Musescore so it needs separate work. But also because dragging an item like that is a criminal offense sanctioned by every country in the United Nations.

mike-spa commented 1 day ago

@avvvvve done!

avvvvve commented 8 hours ago

First off, apologies for how long this is but I've been doing a lot of fiddling with this PR the past couple days! Issues 1 and 2 are probably addressable in this PR, but the rest can be logged as separate issues/debated philosophically. @mike-spa @oktophonie @bkunda

Issue 1 (probably should fix in this PR)

Hairpins become uncentered after undo.

Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 11 37 38 AM
  1. Create a two-staff instrument and drag in a staff spacer to make the gap between staves obvious.
  2. Add a hairpin to a two-staff instrument (so that it’s automatically centered)
  3. Move the hairpin with an arrow key
  4. Press undo
  5. The hairpin becomes uncentered between the staves, but its centering property is still set to “Auto”. There’s no way to re-center it without deleting it and adding a new one.

Issue 2 (simple)

When double-clicking onto a dynamic to edit its text field, the entry cursor line is too tall now (first screenshot is this PR, second is 4.3) Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 11 37 38 AM Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 11 37 56 AM

Issue 3 (probably not solvable now)

Interacting with the "Snap to next/previous" toggles in properties makes it impossible to move hairpins with arrow keys until they are selected again since focus has now moved to the properties panel.

Issue 4 (more of a philosophical manifesto on how dynamics should move around)

How should horizontally moving a hairpin with dynamics snapped to its end(s) behave when snapping is turned on or off? Specifically talking about moving the entire hairpin without using the shift modifier.

Current behavior while moving with arrow keys

(Expand sections below for gif examples)

Dynamic BEFORE hairpin, “Snap to previous” ON, move hairpin with left arrow: Left dynamic only: hairpin and dynamic keep vertical position but hairpin moves over the dynamic (colliding with it) Hairpin on both sides: same as above, but the right side of the hairpin jumps to the right at a certain point
Dynamic BEFORE hairpin, "Snap to previous" OFF, move hairpin with left arrow: Left dynamic only: dynamic moves out of the way of the hairpin Hairpin on both sides: same as above, but the right side of the hairpin jumps to the right at a certain point
Dynamic AFTER hairpin, "Snap to previous" ON or OFF (it makes no difference), move hairpin with right arrow: Right dynamic only: right edge of hairpin stops moving where the dynamic is, and it starts squishing horizontally Hairpin on both sides: same as above, but the left edge moves away from the first dynamic (compare to when moving the hairpin left, the right edge staying attached to the ending dynamic)
Deleting a "squished" dynamic after it's been moved When you've moved a hairpin that's been "squished" by an end dynamic, deleting the dynamic will restore the hairpin to its original length before it was moved.

Current behavior while moving with mouse

In 4.3, if you click and drag an entire hairpin (i.e. using the middle handle), it would re-anchor to whatever beats it was closest to. You could prevent re-anchoring while dragging left/right by holding Cmd (Mac) after beginning the drag. Now in the PR, there’s no way to re-anchor while dragging, unless you use the handles. That could be desirable, but we should note the change on release.

Also in the PR, try dragging a hairpin that has a dynamic at the end of it to the right of the dynamic. When released, it will get really small (regardless of the state of the snapping toggles). It should just stay the same size when dragged around.

Suggested behavior for moving hairpins horizontally

There are a couple ways to approach this, with more detailed explanations below:

  1. Horizontally moving a hairpin should not affect the position of dynamics it is snapped to.
  2. Horizontally moving a hairpin should also move the dynamics that are snapped to it along with it.

Suggested behavior 1:

Suggested behavior 2:

A note on the "Dynamics + hairpin" object

There are a few pre-4.4 ways of appending or prepending a dynamic to a hairpin, all which utilize the text tab of Hairpin properties.


Also, the palette only accounts for adding a dynamic followed by a hairpin. We could also include palette items for 1. hairpin followed by dynamic and 2. dynamic + hairpin + dynamic. OR, we could just get rid of these elements altogether since the GSoC project will make adding dynamics and hairpins in-score significantly easier.

cbjeukendrup commented 8 hours ago

"Issue 2" is also known as #23435, and I really hope it is not yet another Qt 6 issue.