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Musescore Studio crashes when adding certain things after a multimeasure rest. #23878

Open Wh1350 opened 1 month ago

Wh1350 commented 1 month ago

Issue type

Crash or freeze

Description with steps to reproduce

  1. Open any score.
  2. Enable multimeasure rests.
  3. Insert multiple measures at the end of the score using any method. Cmd-B, inserting multiple at once witht the add menu, and copying and pasting empty measures all work.
  4. Open the Barlines menu on the left and click any option. The application crashes.

Barlines are not the only feature that causes this crash; it appears to happen with most features that are attached to a specific measure and cannot be moved. This includes barlines, clefs, key and time signatures, and some repeats. Repeats that cause this crash include regular repeat barlines and Fine, but not measure repeats or first/second endings.

Supporting files, videos and screenshots

What is the latest version of MuseScore Studio where this issue is present?



I was unable to check

Operating system

macOS Sonoma 14.4.1

Additional context

Tempo changes, dynamics, and text do not cause this crash. The crash also does not occur if something on the score is changed after the measures are added, even if that change is undone (for example, adding and then removing system text).


zacjansheski commented 1 month ago

Crash occurs in all versions of 4.
If you select the mm rest before adding the barline the app does not crash. Must be directly after adding measures.