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Adding or deleting key signature in a part adds it to/removes it from that instrument only #23934

Open oktophonie opened 1 month ago

oktophonie commented 1 month ago

Issue type

Engraving bug (incorrect score rendering)

Description with steps to reproduce

  1. Create a score with more than one instruments
  2. Add a few bars of notes in one instrument
  3. Open the part for that instrument
  4. Add a key signature a few bars in
  5. Return to the score and note that the key signature has only been applied to that instrument (like a 'local' key sig).

Note that deletion suffers from the same problem in reverse:

  1. Create a score with more than one instrument
  2. Add a key signature a few bars in (in the score)
  3. Open one of the parts, find the key signature there and delete it
  4. Return to the score and see that it's only been deleted in that instrument

Supporting files, videos and screenshots


Score: image

Key signature added in Violin I part: image

Returning to score, key sig appears only in that part: image


Score: image

After deleting the key sig in the Vl 1 part: image

What is the latest version of MuseScore Studio where this issue is present?

3.6.2; 4.0.2; 4.1.1; 4.2.1; 4.3.2; master [the deletion problem only arises from 4.2.1 on, as this operation was simply prevented in parts in earlier versions]



Operating system

Linux (but presumably any)


sammik commented 1 month ago

Bit more context: If You show other instruments in part score (Parts tab, Eye icon), and than hide them back, adding ks to part score works as expected.

So my guess is, in part score, even if there it looks, like all instruments are present, and just hidden (list of all instruments is shown in Instruments tab), in fact, other staves are not present (and hidden) in Part score, unless they are shown first time (which probably generates them in fact)