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Glissando portamento doesn't work for violin... Sounds horrible #25250

Open chotobaby opened 3 hours ago

chotobaby commented 3 hours ago

Issue type

General playback bug

Description with steps to reproduce

(Forgive me poor English, it isn't my first language.)

I have been using Musescore for a very long time but I've only used it for piano scores, never for violin. Today, for the first time, I tried using Musescore for a violin composition. While notating, I realised that the glissando portamento sounds a bit too... robotic. The notes are separate and don't glide into each other (what I wanted). It sounds very jarring and frankly, awful. I looked everywhere online, at every Reddit page talking about this issue but the best solution that Musescore users online could discuss and come up with was changing the playback on the glissando from diatonic to portamento (under the properties tab). It definitely sounded smoother than the diatonic version of the glissando however, it wasn't the portamento I wanted. The notes still sounded separated. Am I missing something? Is there an articulation in the master palette that I don't know about that could fix this problem?

Supporting files, videos and screenshots

This is the sound I wanted: (Timestamp: from 0:19-0:21)

This is the sound I am getting with glissando set on portamento:

What is the latest version of MuseScore Studio where this issue is present?



I was unable to check

Operating system

macOS Moneterey (12.2.1)

Additional context

Also, the audio (in the google drive folder link) of the piece is in 120 tempo. It's 4/4 time and up until bar 6, it only uses half notes (00:00 - 00:12). Also, the second glissando in the audio is not set to portamento but to chromatic.


chotobaby commented 2 hours ago

I sincerely apologise for my hastily written issue... I hadn't realised that I didn't download the muse hub strings sound. I have fixed the problem now.