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Batch generate images ("image capture") #25541

Open bpimentel opened 3 hours ago

bpimentel commented 3 hours ago

Your idea

Allow users to select multiple areas of a score for later export as images. (Likely after or in conjunction with the re-introduction of the "image capture" feature.)

Possible workflow:

Problem to be solved

In previous MuseScore versions that had the Image Capture feature, it was unwieldy to produce a large number of images from a file, involving using the mouse to draw rectangles. For images with, say, consistent margins, this required precision with the mouse or later cleanup in a graphics editor. Once captured, the images couldn't be easily re-generated -- for example, if the user captured a bunch of images and then decided they needed to be in a different notation font, they would have to start over.

Prior art

No response

Additional context

I'm working on a large project with many small musical excerpts. My current solution is to use LilyPond to fill a folder with files that I can batch-process into images. This gives me the flexibility to change my mind about fonts, spacing, size, etc., and quickly regenerate all the images to meet the new requirements. This solution works, but I'd much rather use MuseScore!


MarcSabatella commented 2 hours ago

Meanwhile, note you can simply structure your score with one example per page 0 with a=the page size defined appropriately - then use File / Export with PNG (or SVG, I think) as the format. This will create individual files, one for each page., So, a much simpler version of your LilyPond workaround.