musescore / MuseScore

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MuseScore failed to run C++ test 'engraving_utests.exe' 'iex_braille_tests.exe' 'iex_capella_tests.exe' 'iex_musicxml_tests.exe' with MSVC on Windows #9570

Closed YangYang129 closed 2 years ago

YangYang129 commented 2 years ago

Hello All,

Environment: VS 2019 + Windows Server 2016 install QT5.15.2 on folder C:\Qt, include msvc2019_64, QtCharts, QtNetworkAuth

MuseScore failed to run C++ test 'engraving_utests.exe' 'iex_braille_tests.exe' 'iex_capella_tests.exe' 'iex_musicxml_tests.exe' with MSVC on Windows. It can reproduces on version 9a367e1 on master branch. Could you please help look at this issue?

Repro steps:

  1. git clone F:\
  2. git reset --hard 9a367e1593971eb7f9f126eb4d1d570f710ec2fd
  3. cd F:\MuseScore
  4. Download dependencies.7z to this folder
  5. 7z.exe x "dependencies.7z" -o"F:\MuseScore"
  6. mkdir build_amd64re & cd build_amd64re
  7. set PATH=C:\Qt\5.15.2\msvc2019_64\bin;%PATH%
  8. cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION=10.0.18362.0 -DBUILD_UNIT_TESTS=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
  9. msbuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64 mscore.sln /t:Rebuild /m\
  10. ctest --build-config Release --output-on-failure

test log: test.log

Error info: image

igorkorsukov commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, current implementations of unit tests use an external diff utility to compare the current result with the reference one. Probably you do not have this utility (or the path to it is not registered in the system paths). I think the problem is this. On Linux, this utility is present out of the box.