museumsvictoria / nodel-recipes

Recipes used by Nodel hosts.
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GlobalCache IP2IR node issues #7

Open scienceworld opened 8 years ago

scienceworld commented 8 years ago

Hi there

We just bought two IP2IR units and was hoping to get this node working.

1) noticed that the ip address is a global variable, and not a parameter 2) weird disabled parameter 3) no main function 4) even if I hard code an ip address in the script, not able to do a test such as request version. get time out.

Is this node finished?

justparking commented 8 years ago

Hi Science World, I have tidied up the node a bit and added an example usage of it.

This node discovers the actual unit a bit differently than just providing an IP address. For convenience, the IP2IR node makes use of the AMX discovery beacon to automatically discover the device regardless of IP address. All you need to do is run one instance of the AMX Beacon Receiver node on your nodel network.

You can then update the remote bindings in the IP2IR node by MAC address instead of IP address which can sometimes make network configuration easier in some situations.

Remember, I've altered the recipe to allow you to override the IP address if that's more convenient for you.

You then need the client node that uses the IP2IR node. See this example which I've just added: Yamaha BD-S677B Blu-ray player via Global Caché IP2IR

Hope that makes sense.

Remember to contribute any new Global Cache IR controls recipes in the same way I've done the Yamaha Blu-ray player.

scienceworld commented 8 years ago

Thanks, it does now.

I have modified our global ip2ir recipe to work the “traditional” way and be per device. Added ir command parameters, power on/off buttons and remote actions and uncommented out the ip address parameter. So far I have working communication, just working on learning/replicating ir codes for our device.

Will submit my franken recipe when done. ☺

From: Justin Parker [] Sent: October 3, 2016 5:06 PM To: museumvictoria/nodel-recipes Cc: Jordon Randall; Author Subject: Re: [museumvictoria/nodel-recipes] GlobalCache IP2IR node issues (#7)

Hi Science World, I have tidied up the node a bit and added an example usage of it.

This node discovers the actual unit a bit differently than just providing an IP address. For convenience, the IP2IR node makes use of the AMX discovery beacon to automatically discover the device regardless of IP address. All you need to do is run one instance of the AMX Beacon Receiver node on your nodel network.

You can then update the remote bindings in the IP2IR node by MAC address instead of IP address which can sometimes make network configuration easier in some situations.

Remember, I've altered the recipe to allow you to override the IP address if that's more convenient for you.

You then need the client node that uses the IP2IR node. See this example which I've just added: Yamaha BD-S677B Blu-ray player via Global Caché IP2IR

Hope that makes sense.

Remember to contribute any new Global Cache IR controls recipes in the same way I've done the Yamaha Blu-ray player.

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scienceworld commented 7 years ago

this is my modification of the IR recipe to be device agnostic and not require amx discovery. so now works more like an iboot, pjlink,adamio recipe.

specificy ip address as parameter, specific the on and off ir codes as parameters.

`# coding=utf-8

"Global Caché iTachIP2IR"

Handy reference:



import time

param_ipAddress = Parameter({"title":"IP address", "group":"Comms", "schema":{"type":"string", "description":"The IP description.", "desc":"The IP address to connect to.", "hint":""}}) param_OnIRCommand = Parameter({"title":"On IR Command", "group":"IRCommands", "schema":{"type":"string", "description":"On IR Command", "desc":"The IR command to turn the device on.", "hint":"3,4,5..."}}) param_OffIRCommand = Parameter({"title":"Off IR Command", "group":"IRCommands", "schema":{"type":"string", "description":"Off IR Command", "desc":"The IR command to turn the device off.", "hint":"3,4,5..."}}) param_disabled = Parameter({"title":"Disabled", "group":"Comms", "schema":{"type":"boolean"}})


def local_action_RequestVersion(arg = None): '{"title": "Request version" }' tcp.request('getversion', lambda resp: local_event_Version.emit(resp))

def local_action_TurnOn(arg = None): '{"title":"On","group":"Power"}' sendIR('1:1', param_OnIRCommand) time.sleep(1) sendIR('1:1', param_OnIRCommand) local_event_IRport2.emit()

def local_action_TurnOff(arg = None): '{"title":"Off","group":"Power"}' sendIR('1:1', param_OffIRCommand) time.sleep(1) sendIR('1:1', param_OffIRCommand) local_event_IRport2.emit()

Comms related events for diagnostics

local_event_Connected = LocalEvent({'group': 'Comms', 'order': 1}) local_event_Received = LocalEvent({'group': 'Comms', 'order': 2}) local_event_Sent = LocalEvent({'group': 'Comms', 'order': 3}) local_event_Disconnected = LocalEvent({'group': 'Comms', 'order': 4}) local_event_Timeout = LocalEvent({'group': 'Comms', 'order': 5})

local_event_IRport1 = LocalEvent({'title': 'IR port 1', 'group': 'IR port activity', 'order': 0}) local_event_IRport2 = LocalEvent({'title': 'IR port 2', 'group': 'IR port activity', 'order': 1}) local_event_IRport3= LocalEvent({'title': 'IR port 3', 'group': 'IR port activity', 'order': 2})

local_event_Version = LocalEvent({'group': 'Device info', 'order': 0, 'schema': {'type':'string'}}) local_event_Error = LocalEvent({'order':1,'schema':{'title': 'Error details', 'type':'object','properties':{'code':{'type':'string','order':0},'data':{'type':'string','order':1},'desc':{'type':'string','order':2}}}})

def main(arg = None): print 'Nodel script started.' tcp.setDest('%s:%s' % (param_ipAddress, ITACH_TCPCONTROL))

def remote_event_BeaconReceiver(arg):

print 'Got beacon data:%s' % arg

# get the IP address part from 'sourceaddress'

sourceAddress = arg.get('sourceaddress')
if sourceAddress is None:

splitPoint = sourceAddress.rfind(':')
if splitPoint < 0:

global ipAddress
ipAddress = sourceAddress[:splitPoint]

tcp.setDest('%s:%s' % (param_ipAddress, ITACH_TCPCONTROL))

def connected(): local_event_Connected.emit()



def received(data): local_event_Received.emit(data)


def sent(data): local_event_Sent.emit(data)

def disconnected(): local_event_Disconnected.emit() ping_timer.stop()

def timeout(): local_event_Timeout.emit()

tcp = TCP(connected=connected, received=received, sent=sent, disconnected=disconnected, sendDelimiters='\r', receiveDelimiters='\r\n', timeout=timeout)

'ping' every 60s

ping_timer = Timer(lambda: local_action_RequestVersion(), 60, stopped=True)

def local_action_SendIRport1(arg): '{"title":"Send","group":"Sending IR","schema":{"title":"Data", "type":"string"}}' sendIR('1:1', arg) local_event_IRport1.emit()

def local_action_SendIRport2(arg): '{"title":"Send","group":"Sending IR","schema":{"title":"Data", "type":"string"}}' sendIR('1:2', arg) local_event_IRport2.emit()

def local_action_SendIRport3(arg): '{"title":"Send","group":"Sending IR","schema":{"title":"Data", "type":"string"}}' sendIR('1:3', arg) local_event_IRport3.emit()




def sendIR(portAddress, data): if param_disabled: return

tcp.send('sendir,%s,%s' % (portAddress, data))

def bindLEDPortControls(port):

group = 'LED control (PWM)'

def handler(arg=None): intesity = arg['intensity'] time = arg.get('time') or 10 tcp.send('set_LED_LIGHTING,1:%s,%s,%s' % (port, intesity, time))

Event('LEDPort%s' % port, {"title": "Port %s Intensity" % port, "group": group, "schema": {"type": "integer"}})

Action('LEDPort%s' % port, handler, { "title": "Set", "group": group, "schema": { "type": "object", "title": "Port %s" % port, "properties": { "intensity": { "type": "integer", "max": 100, "min": 0, "format": "range" }, "time": { "type": "integer", "max": 10, "min": 1, "format": "range" } } } })

bindLEDPortControls(1) bindLEDPortControls(2) bindLEDPortControls(3)

def parseMessage(data):

check for errors

if data.startswith('ERR'):

elif data.startswith('LED_LIGHTING'):

e.g. LED_LIGHTING,1:1,27,100

def parseLEDLightingResponse(data):


parts = data.split(',') # all 
intensityPart = parts[-1:][0]
addrParts = parts[1].split(':')
portPart = addrParts[-1:]

event = lookup_local_event('LEDPort%s' % int(portPart[0]))

Parses an error message, e.g.


def parseErrorMessage(data): errorCode = data[:data.find(':')] # e.g. ERR_1 errorData = data[data.find(':')+1:] # e.g. 1,008

# look up the code
errorDesc = ERROR_CODES.get(errorCode)
if errorDesc is None:
    errorDesc = 'General protocol error'

local_event_Error.emit({'code': errorCode, 'desc': errorDesc, 'data': errorData })    

ERROR_CODES = { 'ERR_1': 'Invalid command. Command not found.', 'ERR_01': 'Invalid command. Command not found.', 'ERR_2': 'Invalid module address (does not exist).', 'ERR_02': 'Invalid module address (does not exist).', 'ERR_3': 'Invalid connector address (does not exist).', 'ERR_03': 'Invalid connector address (does not exist).', 'ERR_4': 'Invalid ID value.', 'ERR_04': 'Invalid ID value.', 'ERR_5': 'Invalid frequency value.', 'ERR_05': 'Invalid frequency value.', 'ERR_6': 'Invalid repeat value.', 'ERR_06': 'Invalid repeat value.', 'ERR_7': 'Invalid offset value.', 'ERR_07': 'Invalid offset value.', 'ERR_8': 'Invalid pulse count.', 'ERR_08': 'Invalid pulse count.', 'ERR_9': 'Invalid pulse data.', 'ERR_09': 'Invalid pulse data.', 'ERR_10': 'Uneven amount of <on|off> statements.', 'ERR_11': 'No carriage return found.', 'ERR_12': 'Repeat count exceeded.', 'ERR_13': 'IR command sent to input connector.', 'ERR_14': 'Blaster command sent to non-blaster connector.', 'ERR_15': 'No carriage return before buffer full.', 'ERR_16': 'No carriage return.', 'ERR_17': 'Bad command syntax.', 'ERR_18': 'Sensor command sent to non-input connector.', 'ERR_19': 'Repeated IR transmission failure.', 'ERR_20': 'Above designated IR <on|off> pair limit.', 'ERR_21': 'Symbol odd boundary.', 'ERR_22': 'Undefined symbol.', 'ERR_23': 'Unknown option.', 'ERR_24': 'Invalid baud rate setting.', 'ERR_25': 'Invalid flow control setting.', 'ERR_26': 'Invalid parity setting. ERR_27 Settings are locked.' }

seqNum = [0L] def nextSeqNum(): seqNum[0] += 1 return seqNum[0] `