museumsvictoria / spatial_audio_server

An audio backend for the multi-layered soundscape of Beyond Perception: Seeing the Unseen, a permanent exhibition at Scienceworks in Melbourne, Australia.
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Implement "Distance-Based Audio Panning" #43

Closed mitchmindtree closed 6 years ago

mitchmindtree commented 6 years ago

This removes the original heuristic-based spatial algorithm in favour of an implementation of Trond Lossius' "Distance-Based Amplitude Panning" (2009). The primary advantage of this is much more perceptually accurate amplitude panning.

Another advantage that DBAP offers over the previous heuristic approach is that it allows for applying weights to different speakers when calculating relative speaker amplitudes. This will be useful for weighting particular speakers for certain sounds. E.g. Some sounds should only appear in Cosmic Waves, and in turn the speakers within the cosmic waves installation should have the highest weight.

The implementation is based directly on the algorithm described in the paper itself and not ported from any prior implementation. The paper can be found at #40, along with a link to an evaluation by Microsoft where they list the advantages of DBAP over VBAP and ambisonics.

Closes #40.