museumsvictoria / spatial_audio_server

An audio backend for the multi-layered soundscape of Beyond Perception: Seeing the Unseen, a permanent exhibition at Scienceworks in Melbourne, Australia.
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Add radial progress bar around `Sound`s over the floorplan #83

Closed mitchmindtree closed 6 years ago

mitchmindtree commented 6 years ago

There are two interpretations of "progress" when a sound is being played back within the exhibition:

  1. The remaining duration of a sound currently playing within the soundscape before it finishes. E.g. this might be a looped 3 second sound that plays for 10 seconds. Progress in this sense would be how many of seconds have been played out of the full 10 seconds.
  2. The current playhead position over the original WAV file, whether looped or not.

Perhaps these two kinds of progress can be indicated with two separate radial bars around the sound's circle on the floorplan.