musevlt / mpdaf

MUSE Python Data Analysis Framework
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Scipy version incompatibility #37

Open joaquinhernandezg opened 3 months ago

joaquinhernandezg commented 3 months ago

When running MUSELET step3 the code raises

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 1
----> 1 muselet("../MUSE/DATACUBE_FINAL_ZAP.fits", step=3, n_cpu=10)

File ~/anaconda3/envs/python38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mpdaf/sdetect/, in muselet(file_cube, file_expmap, step, delta, fw, sex_config, sex_config_nb, radius, ima_size, nlines_max, clean, skyclean, write_nbcube, cleanup, workdir, n_cpu)
   1616     step2(file_cube, sex_config=sex_config, sex_config_nb=sex_config_nb,
   1617             dir_=workdir, n_cpu=n_cpu)
   1619 if step <= 3:
-> 1620     step3(file_cube, clean=clean, skyclean=skyclean, radius=radius,
   1621             ima_size=ima_size, nlines_max=nlines_max, dir_=workdir,
   1622             n_cpu=n_cpu)
   1624 if cleanup:
   1625     remove_files(workdir)

File ~/anaconda3/envs/python38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mpdaf/sdetect/, in step3(file_cube, clean, skyclean, radius, ima_size, nlines_max, dir_, n_cpu)
   1493 #merge raw detections in lines and objects
   1494 cat_lines = find_lines(cat_clean, cube, radius, n_cpu=n_cpu)
-> 1495 cat_objects = find_objects(cat_lines, dir_, cube, radius, n_cpu=n_cpu)
   1497 #write raw catalogues,
   1498 #perhaps useful for debugging / user to do own postprocessing
   1499 file = dir_ / ''

File ~/anaconda3/envs/python38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mpdaf/sdetect/, in find_objects(cat, dir_, cube, radius, n_cpu)
   1052 for i_iter in range(100): #some not too large number of max iterations
   1054     ids_old = ids.copy()
-> 1055     ids = assign_objects(coord_lines, coord_group, flux_lines, max_dist,
   1056                 n_cpu=n_cpu)
   1058     #find new group centers
   1059     uniq_ids = np.unique(ids)

File ~/anaconda3/envs/python38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mpdaf/sdetect/, in assign_objects(coord_lines, coord_group, flux_lines, max_dist, n_cpu)
    943 tree_lines = cKDTree(coord_lines)
    944 tree_group = cKDTree(coord_group)
--> 946 dist, ids = tree_group.query(coord_lines, 1, distance_upper_bound=max_dist,
    947                     n_jobs=n_cpu)
    949 mask = ~np.isfinite(dist) #not grouped
    950 ids[mask] = -1

File _ckdtree.pyx:783, in scipy.spatial._ckdtree.cKDTree.query()

File _ckdtree.pyx:387, in scipy.spatial._ckdtree.get_num_workers()

TypeError: Unexpected keyword argument {'n_jobs': 10}

I am using scipy 1.10.1 The issue is related to scipy deprecating the argument "n_jobs" in >= 1.9.0, renaming it to "workers"(

I suggest forcing a scipy version <1.9.0 when installing or passing a different argument name depending the scipy version in /mpdaf/sdetect/ to allow retrocompatibility.