mush42 / sonata-nvda

This add-on implements a speech synthesizer driver for NVDA using neural TTS models. It supports Piper
GNU General Public License v2.0
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break command not working #9

Open vortex1024 opened 1 year ago

vortex1024 commented 1 year ago

Hello, break command is not working. it is simply discarding the text before the command str: import speech, speech.commands, time, core sequence=("first", speech.commands.BreakCommand(time=5432), "second") core.callLater(1234, speech.speak, sequence) result:: only second is spoken expected result: first should be spoken first, followed by a pause, and then second. The reason I feel thisw is important is that, no matter what I do, my models do not seem to make a pause when encountering a comma, so I am trying to insert it manually. \thanks.

mush42 commented 1 year ago

What version you're using?

vortex1024 commented 1 year ago

I was using the latest commit. I now tried the latest release and it is working, only it does seem not to respect the time parameter, the pause is always the same. Any chance of getting the latest commit working? the say all fix is quite important. Thanks,

vortex1024 commented 11 months ago

I saw a commit claiming a fix for a break command. was it related to this issue? because I can still reproduce it with the latest commit. I am asking since it might be that my deployment is wrong, I simply copied the synth drivers and global plugins folder over, rather than building the addon with scons. Thanks.