mushan0x0 /

一个多模态多模型通用型的全局全能 AI 查询生成桌面悬浮助手应用
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插件“图表和图示”无法使用 #512

Open ysdgithub opened 5 months ago

ysdgithub commented 5 months ago

插件服务端请求返回出错: { "error": { "status": 500, "statusCode": 500, "response": { "ok": false, "url": "", "status": 500, "statusText": "Internal Server Error", "headers": { "connection": "close", "content-length": "49", "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "date": [ "Sun", "10 Mar 2024 08:17:09 GMT" ], "etag": "W/\"31-UXhAiTG0xn6Bvuon7m351Ci3gKU\"", "server": "Apache/2.4.52 (Ubuntu)", "vary": "Origin", "x-powered-by": "Express" }, "text": "{\"message\":\"Request failed with status code 400\"}", "data": "{\"message\":\"Request failed with status code 400\"}", "body": { "message": "Request failed with status code 400" }, "obj": { "message": "Request failed with status code 400" } } } } image