When using this piece of code:
WsDiscoveryServer wsd = WsDiscoveryFactory.createServer();
WsDiscoveryService service1 = WsDiscoveryFactory.createService(
new QName("http://www.onvif.org/ver10/device/wsdl", "tds:Device"),
I have a discovery server running.
But when I receive "probe" messages with
"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/04/discovery" namespace, the application
throws the following exception:
"com.ms.wsdiscovery.exception.WsDiscoveryXMLException: Unable to unmarshal SOAP
unexpected element (uri:"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/04/discovery",
expected elements are ...
<{http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-dd/ns/discovery/2009/01}Probe> ...
So how can I do in order to support both SOAPOverUDP11 & SOAPOverUDPDraft2004
at the same time for the same discovery service?
I'm not responsible of the webservice clients (could be thousand of different
devices on the market)
Thank you for your help
H. Terelle
Original issue reported on code.google.com by hugotere...@gmail.com on 22 Mar 2012 at 4:08
Original issue reported on code.google.com by
on 22 Mar 2012 at 4:08