mushroomhostage / exphc

The Experimental Hardcore Post-Apocalyptic Minecraft Server
8 stars 5 forks source link

MFFS balance #100

Open mushroomhostage opened 12 years ago

mushroomhostage commented 12 years ago

Change the Modular Forcefields mod somehow?

mushroomhostage commented 12 years ago

Original discussion moved from :

overclock22 commented 8 days ago What are your thoughts on modifying the EU to shield point ratio.

NewMilenium commented 3 days ago To answer overclock22, i think this is a bad idea. For a very simple reason : a forcefield has always a weakness. The only possibility for someone to be almost totally safe is to NEVER get out of his forcefield - hence, he gets nothing from the outside and lives alone. And it's not totally safe, because there is still 1 way i won't tell here to access his base. And if the forcefield user gets out of his base, the only possibility he has to activate again the forcefield once outside is wireless. And if he does that, the frequency can be found. Not to mention there are others mistakes users of forcefield on this server keeps committing... :-)

overclock22 commented 3 days ago Should just update to the new modular force fields that have better identification systems and buffs for the shields. I mean I have a bunch of shields but Id gladly replace them for an id card so I could keep them up and just walk through. The wireless works but yeah leaves something to be desired. I don't know if its been ported though or what bugs would arise.

As for the weaknesses of the current shield, they're silly. Anyone with a bunch of power systems doesn't have to leave the shield due to uu matter. O and if you're talking about using the walkie talkie to break into bases that's a lame thing that should be fixed @.@

I dont know, its just me perhaps. I was expecting a little more anarchy I guess. Maybe a little more post apocalyptic feel but I am still fairly new to the game.

If the shields existed before the end of the world we're in; how did it destroy itself since nukes have no affect on shields XD

NewMilenium commented a day ago I didn't understand everything in overclock22 comment, but i wanted to add something,

after several tests, i got at the moment 4 ways to break into a base which has forcefields protecting it. And I'm absolutely sure no one will think of all the 4 ways and so won't be able to fully protect his base. I don't know what is overclock22 mentioning with a talkie-walkie, but if there's a bug with it, it should be explained to mushroomhostage so he can do something about it.

And as mushroomhostage mentionned somewhere, the feeling of not being safe is supposed to be constant on his server. This is survival. I got this feeling... not you? :-)

overclock22 commented a day ago I've felt overly safe for... well since I established a base that keeps creepers out.

I find it disappointing, now I know this is a MC mod, that the way to defeat the shield is bullshit gimmicks that aren't obvious on the surface but after trawling google you would find the ways. It should be a damage vs shield point effect but its broken. To much shield per Eu and a lot of servers know this so they run it modded or not at all.

It should be working to develop power systems that will keep it active not working out all the little gimmicks that people will use to slip past even the most well performing power system. I know you didn't write the mod but bleaagh makes me not want to even play.

So here bullshit way number 5 since were going for bs instead of functionality, walk under a shield, have someone call you without having your phone out. The shield bubble is forced into a jukebox at the spot over you. Destroy jukebox and fly through the hole. Works on every bubble that isn't directly covered. If you have a efficiency pick thats high enough this doesn't even stop someone.

I'm not sure what was so difficult to understand from my previous post, pretty straightforward. Theres no post apocalyptic survival its a walk in the park here if you don't have downs. I mean do not get me wrong in the slightest I love the mod picks and the way you got them to merge together so smoothly but its hardly post apocalyptic. There isn't even radiation to worry about anymore. Get a jetpack and trawl the water for plus signs and you'll be absolutely rich. Pvp doesn't exist because everyone locked away or invincible from other problems.

Anyway I don't want you to think im griping on you or your choice in mods. It is your server and its hosted for free so I appreciate it buuutt I do think the shields and quantum chest plate ruin the pvp and survival feel.

NewMilenium commented 21 hours ago About your smartphone abuse > have 2 shields. Period. Feel unsafe? Have 10 shields.

Not only i never googled about shields and I found out all I said by myself, but 2 of my techniques can go through any number of shields (it will take me a bit more time, though).

But from what you said, you will be happy if i find out your base. So, i see no problem.

edit : i mean, no problem with forcefield.

mushroomhostage commented 12 years ago

Need to find out more about the EU/shield ratio.. there is a config/ModularForceFieldSystem.cfg file but it does not have this configuration option

overclock22 commented 12 years ago

And I see what you've done with that knowledge millennium, the bedrock level holes all over the map where peoples homes used to be is good testament. Not your problem though that people haven spent enough time nerding out on a mc mod I suppose, and the holes do wonders for server load!

I guess when you know the exploits its important to exploit them. There isn't a version of the mod you can change, servers just dont use it unfortunately.

NewMilenium commented 12 years ago

1: one "l" and one "n" only to my nickname. 2: i don't understand what you got to blame me again for. 3: how could loading less blocks make server load bigger? Tell me.

Let's sum up, you come here and complain about forcefields. I explain to you there are weaknesses in the forcefields (and you find a glitch i didn't know about them), so there are not overpowered. Then you complain about me bombing bases? What could it possibly have to do with forcefields?

This subject is about forcefields. They are balanced like they are at the moment. As i told mushroomhostage in private, I got no problem telling him in private what are my techniques to go into a base which has one or several forcefields, because he is the owner and has to be aware of what's going on so he can judge things with all parameters. I obviously won't tell my techniques to players - at least, freely.

And, OBVIOUSLY, none of my 4 techniques use a glitch. This glitch overclock22 found is a shame. And i'm not using google either. Go away with your jealousy, i'm fine with not being modest this time.

cpypcy commented 12 years ago

His technique is probably building nether portal, first you kill nearby portals out of MFFS field, then you go find way to nether, if there is a spot inside base that is big enough for nether portal try to figure out coords lets say 800:20:800 (20 is height) then you go to nether and build portal on 100:20:100 (coords/8) and keep height, and you will pop just inside their base, if not then try different coords and have few more goes.