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Inconsistent behavior between 0-player Airplay and Universal groups #2512

Open madbrain76 opened 1 week ago

madbrain76 commented 1 week ago

What version of Music Assistant has the issue?


What version of the Home Assistant Integration have you got installed?


Have you tried everything in the Troubleshooting FAQ and reviewed the Open and Closed Issues and Discussions to resolve this yourself?

The problem

It is possible to create both 0-player Airplay groups and 0-player Universal groups. One is unavailable for playback, while the other is

How to reproduce

  1. add the Airplay provider
  2. in the settings / player list, select "Add a group player"
  3. select "Airplay"
  4. click save
  5. a new group appears, called "syncgroup_xxxxx", with an hourglass to it, indicating it is not yet available
  6. add the DLNA/UPNP provider
  7. Add the Universal Group player
  8. select "Add a group player"
  9. choose "Universal group player"
  10. click save
  11. a new group appears, called "ugp_xxxxx". No hourglass appears, indicating it is enabled and available
  12. go to the player list at the bottom and select it
  13. go to albums
  14. click an album
  15. click the blue "play" button
  16. the track seemingly starts playing. However, the sound has nowhere to go, since there are no players associated with the group
  17. transport and volume controls still work, but only have a visual impact

Music Providers

File system (remote)

Player Providers

Airplay DLNA/UPNP Unviersal Group Player

Full log output


Additional information

The problematic behavior starts in step 11 of the test case.

The ability to create 0-member groups - or perhaps even 1-member groups - is also questionable, but probably should be a different discussion.

What version of Home Assistant Core are your running


What type of installation are you running?

Home Assistant OS

On what type of hardware are you running?
