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Window shake in artist/content view #2519

Open madbrain76 opened 1 week ago

madbrain76 commented 1 week ago

What version of Music Assistant has the issue?


What version of the Home Assistant Integration have you got installed?


Have you tried everything in the Troubleshooting FAQ and reviewed the Open and Closed Issues and Discussions to resolve this yourself?

The problem

In some situations, the content of the center frame will "shake" .

How to reproduce

I'm not quite certain yet, still working on the test case. The behavior is unusual enough that I thought this warranted reporting. Here is a video of what it looks like :

I have seen it both in the browser and in the Android app.

This may be related to having an empty album. I'm not quite sure how that happened. It's stored on my Plex server. I will try to isolate the issue with the file system provider.

Music Providers


Player Providers


Full log output


Additional information

No response

What version of Home Assistant Core are your running


What type of installation are you running?

Home Assistant OS

On what type of hardware are you running?


marcelveldt commented 1 week ago

We have some existing report about this somewhere. Its that the UI keeps continuously refreshing over and over. So far I have not been able to reproduce it so if somebody can found out what actually trigger this, it would be amazing.

OzGav commented 1 week ago

Related to

madbrain76 commented 1 week ago

Yes, it definitely sounds like the same issue - just different words being used to describe it.

I'm still trying to reproduce it, but so far haven't found a pattern. I'm examining the Plex server library to see where that empty artist could have come from.

Is that case ever supposed to occur in MA - an artist with no albums or tracks ? Or artist having an album, but no tracks ?

madbrain76 commented 2 days ago

I'm seeing a pretty bad case of this right now with my Qobuz library. In the artist view, many artists I click on are seeing this shake. This happens in all cases I have tested - Firefox & Chrome on desktop, app on Android.

I believe I found a pattern : for some artists, there is a total number of albums listed. There is no shake when I view these.

For other artists, there is no total number of albums listed. And there is shake. Actually, opening the artist again, I can see very quickly that there is initially a total number of albums printed, but it disappears extremely quickly, in a fraction of a second - so fast that I can't read what that number is, but I know it's there. It's probably visible for less than 3-4 frames.

In both cases, there is a list of albums, just no total in one case.

I cannot explain why some artists don't have a listed number of albums. I can give you some examples :

Alexander Paley : 24 albums, no shake . I have one album and one track favorited

Andrea Bacchetti : no total number, shake. No albums are favorited, but one track is.

Andreas Staier : no number, no shake. No albums or tracks favorited. The artist himself is favorited.

Andras Schiff : 82 albums listed, no shake, 1 album favorited. No tracks favorited.

Those were just the first 4 .I clicked on many of the other artists in my library, and the pattern held.

Pierre Hantaï : no total count of album. Has shake. 1 album and 1 track favorited. I tried to break the pattern by unfavoriting the album. It still occurred. I then favorited another album. Still occurred. I unfavorited the track. Still occurred. I favorited the artist. It still occurred. I unfavorited the album. It still ocurred.

Looks like it has nothing to do with favorites, and strictly to do with not getting an album count for the artist.

I checked in the Qobuz app, and the favorited artists were not synchronized. It showed only 2 there, while I have 35 favorite artists listed in Music Assistant. I do not recall favoriting all of them myself. It may have happened automatically in MA due to favoriting some tracks or albums.

Hopefully, this helps you reproduce the issue. I have not tried doing so with my local or Plex music collection, only Qobuz at this time.