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Second TTS is not played if sent while the first TTS is still playing #2520

Open nabahr opened 1 week ago

nabahr commented 1 week ago

What version of Music Assistant has the issue?


What version of the Home Assistant Integration have you got installed?


Have you tried everything in the Troubleshooting FAQ and reviewed the Open and Closed Issues and Discussions to resolve this yourself?

The problem

Any TTS message sent to a speaker while it is currently playing a TTS message is ignored/doesn't play. I would expect that either the new TTS is queued and played next, or maybe even cut off the first message and start playing the second message right away. Queueing and playing both would be my preference.

How to reproduce

Service call:

service: tts.speak
  entity_id: tts.home_assistant_cloud
  media_player_entity_id: media_player.dining_room
  message: I am testing multiple TTS messages

Call the service once and the message plays fine, call the service again while the first TTS is still playing and nothing happens. The first TTS will continue playing and the second just disappears.

Music Providers


Player Providers

I have used Chromecast, snapcast, and slimproto. They all have the same issue.

Full log output


Additional information

In the log, I just restarted the server and sent 4 TTS messages back to back to the dining room speaker.

What version of Home Assistant Core are your running


What type of installation are you running?

Home Assistant OS

On what type of hardware are you running?


OzGav commented 1 week ago

Issues are for problems with existing functionality. Why do you think this should work?

nabahr commented 1 week ago

I understand this straddles between an issue and a new feature but in the end, I considered that since the second TTS message just disappears, it pushed me more towards it being an issue.