music-encoding / guidelines

:scroll: The Music Encoding Initiative Guidelines
Educational Community License v2.0
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Revise chapter 05 #156

Closed martha-thomae closed 4 years ago

martha-thomae commented 4 years ago

This PR proposes changes for the revision of Chapter 5. Repertoire: Mensural Notation of the MEI Guidelines.

The updated guidelines offer documentation regarding the changes in the Mensural module introduced in the schema by the following three pull requests:

craigsapp commented 4 years ago

This is an interesting hypothesis. Will look into the shared resources.

There will likely be a variation based on genre. Tasso scores are popular songs, but Mass notation of the same time period is likely more conservative.

kepper commented 4 years ago

everything should be fine now – I hope ;-) thanks for all the work on this!!!

kepper commented 4 years ago

let's wait if everything compiles properly before we merge in the PRs to the specs repo… 

martha-thomae commented 4 years ago

It compiled perfectly! Thanks, Johannes! :)