musicfox / sim-exchange

A micro-asset investment, allocation, and trade simulator.
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Create the demand queues #15

Open thinkjrs opened 4 years ago

thinkjrs commented 4 years ago

Creating the DemandQueue

Each dealer in our scheme has a queue of demand where a sim-exchange user's order is placed after clicking "Accept My Deal." A user's order remains in this queue while they have unmatched cash flows; if there is not a resulting cash-flow match, the user's order stays in the queue.

Note: Because of the nature of what's being traded--the cash flows between individuals with varying certainty--the concepts user and order are often interchangeable. We will be specific whenever possible. This will become more apparent as more of sim-exchange is built out.

A user and their order(s)

A user is a person, robot, or generally, a client of the dealer. Very tangibly this is the initial JSON web request with data from the "Accept My Deal."

In sim-exchange, there are two types of users: investor-users & asset-users. Each has its own set of parameters, prior to arriving on the platform as a potential dealer client. For our purposes here, consider the user's order live (and in the demand queue) once that respective user has agreed to do a deal via an HTTP POST request form submission from the frontend.

Investor user parameters

A minimal investor-user will have the following:

mu: float
sigma: float
total_toFund: float
remaining_toFund: float
genre: str
time_horizon: datetime.datetime
investments: dict # more on this in a moment

Asset user parameters

A minimal asset-user will have the following:

mu: float
sigma: float
ranking: float
genre: str
total_funding: float
remaining_funding: float
expiration_date: datetime.datetime
investors: dict # more on this below

An order on sim-exchange

Though we won't need FIX for sim-exchange, we might as well utilize the most fundamental aspects to its protocol. So for communicating orders between dealers and the platform operator via the signaler we'll use the modern FIX protocol for messaging.

DemandQueue API

Assume you have an Order class which stores/holds/updates individual users' order data. The demand queue is part of order management, similar to the Order Manager you've probably touched in developing a FIX exchange.

class DemandQueue:
    Each dealer inherits DemandQueue.
    def __init__(self):
        self.queue = # some type of python queue

    def insert(self):
    def cancel(self):
    def update(self):
    def view(self):

class InvestorDemandQueue(DemandQueue):
    def __init__(self):

class AssetDemandQueue(DemandQueue):
    def __init__(self):


Add to these as/if requirements evolve!

  • [x] Choose & justify a Python queue
  • link to docs
  • discuss underlying queue datastructure considerations herein
  • [ ] Implement a basic DemandQueue capable of basic CRUD operations
  • [ ] Full test coverage


Tests for this are located under backend/application/test. We use py.test for the test-suite runner and unit testing.

Filename targets: is the unit test file for this particular portion.

RKoulikova commented 4 years ago

Possible Implementations:

Consider also a deque simply to transfer orders to the main book/exchange (or a priority queue depending on the functionality and purpose of allowing orders to sit in the queue).


--> Double linked list. Orders will sit here however no functionality exists in matching orders. Next step to create structure for specifically matching orders:

(This is where orders will sit until the matching takes place).

Does a difference exits in investor and asset demand queues? Does a difference exist in investor and asset order book?

Basic Implementation (depends on data structure of order coming in):

thinkjrs commented 4 years ago

Possible Implementations:

Consider also a deque simply to transfer orders to the main book/exchange (or a priority queue depending on the functionality and purpose of allowing orders to sit in the queue).


--> Double linked list. Orders will sit here however no functionality exists in matching orders. Next step to create structure for specifically matching orders:

  • lists of orders from both users
  • tree of orders from both users (one OrderTree for each side)

(This is where orders will sit until the matching takes place).

Does a difference exits in investor and asset demand queues? Does a difference exist in investor and asset order book?

Basic Implementation (depends on data structure of order coming in):

@RKoulikova 💯 especially on iterators.

Next steps

  1. Write out naive unit tests in in the pytest format, per what we have in backend/tests.

    • Just a few tests needed to make sure things are working.
    • Make a separate test for each function and/or dynamic parameter in your DemandQueue Class Query on slack if you have any questions/thoughts!
  2. Underlying datastructure thoughts: Your thinking of deque is the right direction so run with it.

Thinking long-term

We might want to explore/develop something down the road that uses some type of hashing for O(1) access (dequeue is O(n)). Each dealer has a DemandQueue which it will update periodically as users arrive and/or receive cash-flow "matches" (assuming it is trading with the other dealer).

I do not think this is important now. We'll likely store a reference to a redis client caller anyways, for each 'user' object (dataclass) stored in the queue.

  1. Users dataclass

    Basic Implementation (depends on data structure of order coming in)

Checkout Think of these as glorified dictionaries.

thinkjrs commented 4 years ago

@RKoulikova Let's be sure to chat about the red-black tree Seb sent around, in addition to tradeoffs around usage of dequeue versus other options.

RKoulikova commented 4 years ago

Consider three different self-balancing BST data structures for an order book for both that asset and investor class:

  1. AVL tree

2) Red Black Tree

Main Takeaways:

3) Splay Tree

Consider a splay tree for the order book particularly for the problem at hand. By splaying elements (orders), more frequently used or accessed orders are brought closer to the root of the tree. Splaying (bringing node to the top as the root node) is performed while both searching for orders and when adding new orders.

thinkjrs commented 4 years ago

Consider a splay tree for the order book particularly for the problem at hand. By splaying elements (orders), more frequently used or accessed orders are brought closer to the root of the tree. Splaying (bringing node to the top as the root node) is performed while both searching for orders and when adding new orders.

@RKoulikova Excellent overview of the possible trees we can use here, since we have the frequent order access requirement. The next steps are very basic implementation.

If you're going with splay trees

I found this and it helped show the differences (really additions) between a standard binary search tree and the splay tree. I think I 👀 your plan: we have ourselves a fancy dictionary that will auto-balance behind-the-scenes according to our "price" and "time" metrics attached to an incoming and then "sitting" user order.

Per our discussion over the weekend, price/time will likely be some bar we set and update globally based on market prices. See #16 comment for some deets on the SDF.

Let's focus on testing tasks

def test_DQ_insertion(DemandQueue, AssetUser, InvestorUser): dq = DemandQueue(...) dq.insert(AssetUser)

check it isn't nothing

 assert dq[AssetUser] is not None
 # check that it's what we expect
 assert isinstance(dq[AssetUser], AssetUser)
 # check that it's the data we expect
 assert dq[AssetUser] == AssetUser

...and so on and so forth

### Dictionary-like client use

Since this is a tree in the background, let's make it as close to a dictionary as possible, down the road. Want to say that now so that we're thinking long-term for implementation.
RKoulikova commented 4 years ago

A basic implementation of the OrderBook is shown below. A splay tree class from AlgorithmTutor: Bibeknam is used/modified to perform necessary operations on orders.

Consider an Order() class:

class Order(DataClassJsonMixin):
    def __init__(self, mu, sigma, cash, time_stamp): = mu
        self.sigma = sigma = cash
        self.time_stamp = time_stamp

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Order(mu='+str(', sigma='+str(self.sigma)+ ', cash=' + str(', time='+str(self.time_stamp)+  ')'

Each Order will be represented as a Node in the Splay Tree:

class Node:
    def  __init__(self, order): =
        self.order = order.__str__()
        self.parent = None
        self.left = None
        self.right = None

The OrderBook() class is constructed as a splay tree. For initial stages of developing a splay tree class, AlgorithmTutor: Bibeknam's implementation of splay trees is used and modified for taking in orders.

class OrderBook:#SplayTree
    def __init__(self):
        self.root = None

    def __delete_node_helper(self, node, key):
        x = None
        t = None 
        s = None
        while node != None:
            if == key:
                x = node

            if <= key:
                node = node.right
                node = node.left

        if x == None:
            print ("Couldn't find key in the tree")

        # split operation
        if x.right != None:
            t = x.right
            t.parent = None
            t = None

        s = x
        s.right = None
        x = None

        # join operation
        if s.left != None:
            s.left.parent = None

        self.root = self.__join(s.left, t)
        s = None

    Join() and maximum() will assist with deleting nodes.

    # joins two trees s and t
    def __join(self, s, t):
        if s == None:
            return t

        if t == None:
            return s

        x = self.maximum(s)
        x.right = t
        t.parent = x
        return x  

    # find the node with the maximum key
    def maximum(self, node):
        while node.right != None:
            node = node.right
        return node


    This is similar to a LEFT rotation. Every node moves a position to the left. 
    We can do a zag rotation if a node is a right child of the root node. 

    def __left_rotate(self, x):
        y = x.right
        x.right = y.left
        if y.left != None:
            y.left.parent = x

        y.parent = x.parent
        if x.parent == None:
            self.root = y
        elif x == x.parent.left:
            x.parent.left = y
            x.parent.right = y
        y.left = x
        x.parent = y


    This is similar to a RIGHT rotation. Every node moves a position to the right. 
    We can do a zig rotation if a node is a left child of the root node. 

    def __right_rotate(self, x):
        y = x.left
        x.left = y.right
        if y.right != None:
            y.right.parent = x

        y.parent = x.parent;
        if x.parent == None:
            self.root = y
        elif x == x.parent.right:
            x.parent.right = y
            x.parent.left = y

        y.right = x
        x.parent = y

    By "splaying" a tree, necessary operations (zig/zag) are performed to bring a node to the root of the tree. 
    # Splaying operation. Move x to the root of the tree
    def __splay(self, x):
        while x.parent != None:
            if x.parent.parent == None:
                if x == x.parent.left:
                    # zig rotation
                    # zag rotation
            elif x == x.parent.left and x.parent == x.parent.parent.left:
                # zig-zig rotation
            elif x == x.parent.right and x.parent == x.parent.parent.right:
                # zag-zag rotation
            elif x == x.parent.right and x.parent == x.parent.parent.left:
                # zig-zag rotation
                # zag-zig rotation

    def __search_tree_helper(self, node, key):
        if node == None or key ==
            return node

        if key <
            return self.__search_tree_helper(node.left, key)
        return self.__search_tree_helper(node.right, key)

    # search the tree for the key k
    # and return the corresponding node
    def search_tree(self, Node):
        x = self.__search_tree_helper(self.root,
        if x != None:

    # insert the key to the tree in its appropriate position
    def insert(self, Node):
        node =  Node
        y = None
        x = self.root

        while x != None:
            y = x
            if <
                x = x.left
                x = x.right

        # y is parent of x
        node.parent = y
        if y == None:
            self.root = node
        elif <
            y.left = node
            y.right = node
        # splay the node

    # delete the node from the tree
    def delete_node(self, Node):

Now consider testing these classes with orders.

o1 = Order(mu=.05, sigma=.10, cash = 100,
o2 = Order(mu=.15, sigma=.20, cash = 200,
o3 = Order(mu=.25, sigma=.30, cash = 150,
o4 = Order(mu=.25, sigma=.30, cash = 50,

n1 = Node(o1)
n2 = Node(o2)
n3 = Node(o3)
n4 = Node(o4)

tree = OrderBook()

#visualize the splay tree




RKoulikova commented 4 years ago

Test cases for splay tree demand queue: