musiclicn / deep_finance

apply deep learning/ neural network to analysis stock price
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apply deep Q network on stock candlestick and MA #50

Open musiclicn opened 6 years ago

musiclicn commented 6 years ago

input: state: past N days prices including OHLC, 5 MA, 10 MA, 20 MA, 50 MA and 200 MA (including position) dollar amount action: NA (no action), buy 1/3, buy 2/3, buy all, sell 1/3, sell 2/3, sell all reward: discounted future 5 day PNL

Notes: use CNN for policy function/ network without pooling

musiclicn commented 6 years ago


  1. set up vnpy and run backtesting
  2. install OpenAI/baselines, gym (there are alternatives of dqn libraries other than baselines ) .
  3. run dqn examples and understand it
  4. play with the dqn, dueling-dqn
  5. create customized trade environment for backtesting by integrate vnpy
  6. use dueling-dqn to train trade-bot with trade env
musiclicn commented 6 years ago

reward function:

  1. PNL
  2. PNL with drawdown penalty
  3. sharp ratio?
musiclicn commented 6 years ago

apply latest advanced RL algorithm

musiclicn commented 6 years ago

Reward function = average sharp ratio (or volatility) of next N period reward +1 when sharp ratio increase; -1 when sharp ratio decrease

musiclicn commented 6 years ago

observation contains position level, past N prices and indicators