musikinformatik / SuperDirt

Tidal Audio Engine
GNU General Public License v2.0
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how do I "add (something from dirt-hacks) to supercollider startup file"? #259

Closed jwaldmann closed 2 years ago

jwaldmann commented 2 years ago

It's recommended at but I don't see what to write where.

I am using this startup file

Do I put some "include" directive there? Or do I literally copy the code? In both cases- where? (before, inside, or after other declarations/statements?)

jwaldmann commented 2 years ago

ah, is this ?

I still don't get it. I put this extra line (loadRelative ...)) in startup.scd:

s.reboot {
    s.waitForBoot {
        ~dirt = SuperDirt(2, s); // two output channels, increase if you want to pan across more channels

then when starting sclang, I get

loading synthdefs in /home/waldmann/.local/share/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/SuperDirt/classes/../synths/zzzzz-core-modules-that-come-last.scd
ERROR: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting $end
  in interpreted text
  line 19 char 1:

  SynthDef("dirt_compressor" ++ ~dirt.numChannels, { |dryBus, effectBus, gate = 1|
ERROR: Command line parse failed

loading 217 sample banks:
telephon commented 2 years ago

Hi @jwaldmann, it is confusing, yes. I've added a bit of documentation (#260), please let me know if it is clearer and works for you …

jwaldmann commented 2 years ago

Thanks! I was still getting the above syntax error. The file I wanted to include has this structure

( { ... };  )
( SynthDef ... )
( SynthDef ... )
( SynthDef ... )

The error message refers to the beginning of the second block. Are we just missing separators here? Adding semi-colons makes it work:

( { ... };  ) ;
( SynthDef ... )              ;
( SynthDef ... )              ;
( SynthDef ... )

Well, "work" - at least it gives no syntax errors, so we can start thinking about semantics ...

telephon commented 2 years ago

The main thing is that the file (like all other files in the folder) are not meant to be used that way. It is not like a module system. I decided to use this "extension by example" style to encourage a more active involvement with the code. It is also a common way supercollider is organised: files which have many snippets of code that you can use, but not intended to be used all at once. This allows you to vary it in place, by writing series of minor modifications. It is more tedious out of the box, but more flexible to experiment with.

telephon commented 2 years ago

If you wanted to have a file you can load, you'd copy the variant you prefer in a file like this:

// add a compressor module
( { |x|
    x.globalEffects = [
        GlobalDirtEffect(\dirt_delay, [\delaytime, \delayfeedback, \delaySend, \delayAmp, \lock, \cps]),
        GlobalDirtEffect(\dirt_reverb, [\size, \room, \dry]),
        GlobalDirtEffect(\dirt_leslie, [\leslie, \lrate, \lsize]),
        GlobalDirtEffect(\dirt_rms, [\rmsReplyRate, \rmsPeakLag]).alwaysRun_(true),
        GlobalDirtEffect(\dirt_monitor, [\limitertype]).alwaysRun_(true),

// now play with different variants while you listen to tidal:

// a dirty hyperbolic tangens
SynthDef("dirt_compressor" ++ ~dirt.numChannels, { |dryBus, effectBus, gate = 1|
    var signal =, ~dirt.numChannels);

    signal = (signal * 5).tanh;
    signal = signal *, gate, doneAction:2);, signal);
}, [\ir, \ir]).add;

s.freeAll; // restart all synths
telephon commented 2 years ago
( { ... };  ) ;
( SynthDef ... )              ;
( SynthDef ... )              ;
( SynthDef ... )

the syntax correction is correct, but the SynthDefs override each other (they all have the same name).

jwaldmann commented 2 years ago

The main thing is that the file (like all other files in the folder) are not meant to be used that way. It is not like a module system. I decided to use this "extension by example" style ...

Yes, I see now. Perhaps make this intended usage more explicit in the README of that directory? Something like:

telephon commented 2 years ago

Thanks! Better now?

jwaldmann commented 2 years ago

Yes, fine! - This issue was actually brought up by students (they wanted side chain compression for Tidal). I will point them to these improved instructions, and I'll forward any remaining complaints :-)

telephon commented 2 years ago

Yes, thanks, that would be good :) It is hard for me to un-understand these things.

telephon commented 2 years ago

please feel free to reopen this issue with suggestions.