Open unnamed777 opened 4 months ago
Which camera did you to capture this image? Can you provide the image file to reproduce the issue?
Olympus OM-1, Canon R5. Forgot to say, "Open as text" shows all metadata. The issue happens only in plugin window.
I have imported your image file and I can see all metadara in the plugin window.
Are you running Windows or Mac?
In Lr Plugin Manager you can require the plugin to log debug information ("Logging" section). On a Windows machine, the logfile can be found under C:\Users\username\Documents\LrClassicLogs\libraryLogger.log.
Can you provide your logfile?
Macos 14.4.1 libraryLogger.log
The logfile looks as it should. Does this happen for all of your images?
Since I don't have access to a Mac computer, I will need to prepare a special version with additional log entries to get an idea what is wrong.
Yes, I've checked different images. The plugin window always shows one row, the filter show one row too.
Sorry for the long delay, I was busy with other stuff.
I have prepared an instrumented version of the script in which I suspect the problem to happen. Can you please copy the attached file over the existing one on your computer, delete any existing libraryLogger logfile and re-run the plugin?
Sorry for delay, I've read the notification and forget about it. Here is log. libraryLogger.log
No problem. The logfile with additional debug information looks like it should / as it is for my files.
At this moment I'm clueless, also because you are the only one who has (reported) this issue. There seemed to be serious issues with Lightroom and macOS Sonoma, however I could not find any hints that also SDK apps / plug-ins were affected.
I have posted a call in to understand macOS users' experience with the plug-in. Perhaps this can help to further narrow down the problem.
I was able to locate the problem and (hopefully) fix it. Could you please unzip and copy the attached file over the one in your installation of the plugin and verify?
Yes, now it works. But scrolling is utterly slow. It looks like LR is trying to calculate something to render new area (cpu usage jumps up to 105%). If I scroll up and down (strictly vertically) a few times, this area scrolls as it should (like it's cached). I've tried to record a video . Before each swipe I move cursor, otherwise it's hard to see when swiping (scrolling) is started. I've disabled logs and restored original ShowMetadata.lua, the behavior is the same.
Thank you! I will proceed to check-in the fix.
The performance issue known and obviously this exists from the first version of the plugin. It only affects MAC, on WIN the performance is blazingly fast. This is yet another case of LR SDK behaving differently on the two platforms (like the issue you previously reported).
I have some input on how this may be solved, I'm currently sitting over this. Hopefully, I will soon have a fix for this as well!
It seems that the display shows only first item. When I use filter, behavior is the same: result is changing, but only one item is visible.
Lightroom: 13.3.1, macos Plugin: 02910d8