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How to escape a partial's output? #118

Closed mesztam closed 8 months ago

mesztam commented 5 years ago

Hi, is there any way to escape the output of a partial? E.g. when using the output of the partial as the value of an attribute like this: <input type="hidden" value="{{> generateHtml }} "/> Thanks in advance!

leonardopsantos commented 4 years ago

Can you elaborate on your question with an example of what you want as output and some code?

I tested this with pystache and partials are escaped:

context =\
    'users' : [
        {'name': 'John',
         'job' : 'Engineer'},
        {'name': 'Leo',
         'job' : 'Coder<br>'}

full_template =\
{{name}} is an {{job}}

renderer = pystache.Renderer()

output = renderer.render(full_template, context)

The above produces:

John is an Engineer
Leo is an Coder&lt;br&gt;

With partials:

base_template =\
{{> user}}

print("The same data now as a partial with a path:\n")

output = renderer.render(base_template, context)


{{name}} is an {{job}}


John is an Engineer
Leo is an Coder&lt;br&gt;
jgonggrijp commented 8 months ago

The spec does not state whether partials should be escaped or not. Some implementations do, some don't. Some might have a triple-mustache variant of every tag type so each can be either escaped or not escaped.

If you believe that something should be standardized, you can take it to

Closing this, as this repository is only about the Mustache website, not about the template language.