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use value from list based on another key #124

Closed karlismelderis closed 8 months ago

karlismelderis commented 4 years ago

Hello, Everyone

Sorry if the question is already answered somewhere or it's too trivial. I'm looking for a way to use a value from the list based on another value e.g.

system: {
latest: v2

systems: {
v1: {
item: 1
v2: {
item: 111

and in markdown:


:) syntax doesn't work but I hope it will help to show where I'm heading.

jgonggrijp commented 8 months ago

This is not trivial. It is also not a very common use case, so I don't think there are many answers lying around.

I would strongly recommend that you add a latest key to systems, which has a copy/reference to systems[system.lastest], before feeding the data into the template. Preprocessing the data is often the answer to questions like these.

If, for whatever reason, preprocessing the data is really not an option, I don't think there is a standard solution. It seems like a potential use case for dynamic names inside interpolation tags, but this is controversial. You can find previous discussion about this via

Closing this, as this repository is only about the Mustache website, not about the template language.