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Added PowerShell implementation (PSMustache) #139

Closed splumhoff closed 8 months ago

splumhoff commented 3 years ago

Added my PowerShell implementation PSMustache to the list of implementations

jgonggrijp commented 8 months ago

@splumhoff What is your reason for closing? I recently became a maintainer and I could merge your changes.

splumhoff commented 8 months ago

Thanks for asking. Reason is inactivity of the upstream repo and cleanup of my stale repos. I didn't expected that the commit would finally be merged after 2,5 years. ;-) Can you still merge the closed PR or do I need to recreate it?

jgonggrijp commented 8 months ago

I can still see the changes, so I should be able to get it in without your help. Thanks for your contribution!

jgonggrijp commented 8 months ago

@splumhoff success 👍