mustache /

The {{official}} website
2.29k stars 292 forks source link

This repository is about the website only (click here to see where to take your comments) #157

Open jgonggrijp opened 8 months ago

jgonggrijp commented 8 months ago

You can use this issue tracker to comment about and suggest changes to the website at

If you have a question about how to use Mustache, please submit your question to Stack Overflow and make sure to add the mustache tag.

If you have comments about a particular implementation of Mustache, please take them to the issue tracker of that implementation.

If you have other questions or comments about the Mustache template language, please feel welcome to take those to

If you have comments about the manual, please take them to

If you have comments about the playground, please take them to (you can login to GitLab with your GitHub account).