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Update languages.yml #159

Open kojix2 opened 4 months ago

kojix2 commented 4 months ago

Hi. This is just a suggestion.

In 2020 pastache was replaced by chevron.

However, chevron development has not necessarily been active since then.

In 2022, pystache's official repository was replaced. This repository is hard to find from a search, but there is a commit from 7 months ago.

Perhaps this is a suitable repository to link to.

I actually do not know much about Python. If you review it and think it is different, feel free to close it. Thank you.

jgonggrijp commented 4 months ago

Thanks for bringing this to my attention @kojix2.

I agree that pystache might be more appropriate to list than chevron, but I also feel somewhat reluctant to unlist one implementation in favor of another. The existing practice so far has been to list only one implementation per host language, but I feel this is too limiting.

In other words, I think I want to add back pystache but also keep chevron around. How would you approach listing multiple implementations per language?