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Suppress stdout #41

Closed dandanknight closed 9 years ago

dandanknight commented 9 years ago

Hi, can the ...

say qq(Tag Type: "$tag->{type}", txt: $txt);

on line 342 be taken out, or made into an option? As when running inside Mojolicious framework, the 'say' is outputted to the http response and corrupts the headers. Unless there is an easy way to temporarily redirect stdout while running the render method?

Great module by the way.

Thanks, Dan

dandanknight commented 9 years ago

I've commented it out for now by the way, but I'm thinking if someone runs an update in the future and you have released a new version, it will break things again


locks commented 9 years ago

I'm confused, where is this code? This is the repository for the mustache website.

dandanknight commented 9 years ago

Hi many apologies, I had a couple of tabs open and thought I was on

Please ignore.