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The C# version is incompatible #61

Closed ubershmekel closed 9 years ago

ubershmekel commented 9 years ago

Why is mustache-sharp linked as though it's an implementation of mustache?

There's a special #each tag that loops. You get an error for doing loops the normal mustache way Encountered an unknown tag: {{#files}}. It was either not registered or exists in a different context.. It even has an if statement. Not very logicless.

@defunkt @bobthecow

locks commented 9 years ago

An if by any other name would branch as conditionally. Submit a PR with the suggested replacement implementation please, since I'm not familiar with the C# ecosystem.

bobthecow commented 9 years ago

Yeah, that's not Mustache at all. It's not even Handlebars, though it's closer to that… they use {{#newline}} as a (non-balanced) tag to indicate where to insert a newline in the template. It's rather … strange.

My vote is for removing it from the list entirely, even if a suitable replacement isn't found.

ubershmekel commented 9 years ago

I'll see if I can convert the JS version to C#.