mustache / spec

The Mustache spec.
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Mustache-ES6 question or proposal #108

Closed ppKrauss closed 3 years ago

ppKrauss commented 5 years ago

Mustache is an important template system for Web and non-Web applications... And Javascript was a great inspiration and reference, for JSON and Mustache. Javascript evolved, particularly with the ECMA's v6 edition, "ES6". Currently, the ${x} of the template literals is a de facto standard for placeholder-variables.

The adoption of {{x}} was a good choice (resembles the Mediawiki templates, popular in 2009), and there is no problem with it... But it was arbitrary, before 2015 there was no Javascript-reference — that's an important part of the "standards ecosystem". Now, maybe, we can try to restart with non-arbitrary choice.

Question and suggestion: is it possible (or "are there people in this community?") to create a fork by Mustache iniciative (suggested name "Mustache-ES6") to test and evolve to the new standard?

PS: about particular Javascript implementation and optimizations, see this es6-template-engine project.

Danappelxx commented 3 years ago

Hi! Feel free to reopen, but given this isn't an actual issue with the Mustache spec (as far as I can tell) and it hasn't sparked interest, I'm closing this issue for now.

jgonggrijp commented 3 years ago

The ${x} syntax is very specific to JavaScript. I wouldn't be in favor of introducing such notation in a template language that is meant to be very portable between programming languages.

(So I agree with keeping this closed.)