mustache / spec

The Mustache spec.
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~lambdas: Add Raku language tests (formerly Perl 6) #116

Closed softmoth closed 3 years ago

softmoth commented 3 years ago

Replaces #91. In the interim since that pull request was created, Perl 6 was renamed to Raku.

Danappelxx commented 3 years ago

I don't know perl 6 very well, so unfortunately I can't review this PR for correctness. If someone else can review this, would be great.

Alternatively, we can wait until we have CI set up which can actually test the spec against your implementation.

softmoth commented 3 years ago

Thanks, Danappelxx. Aside from the perl6 to raku rename, this is the same exact lambda tests that have been running on raku-Template-Mustache for years. So it is safe to use. I will push an update to raku-Template-Mustache to refer to the official repo w/ the raku naming as soon as I fix the sections.yml tests, which have two new checks that raku-Template-Mustache doesn't pass. But that should be considered independent of this PR.

Thank you!

Tim (aka softmoth)

softmoth commented 3 years ago

I've pushed a new version that fixes the bug exposed by #114 (great to have new test cases) and includes this PR's version of ~lambdas.json. You can verify its success at . Again, this has been tested thousands of times over the years by the Raku user base; the 'perl6' to 'raku' change is the only new thing. I hope that helps.

Kind regards,


Danappelxx commented 3 years ago

Fantastic! Thank you for your contribution.