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Remove inaccurate documentation about __tag__ in JSON specs #120

Closed softmoth closed 3 years ago

softmoth commented 3 years ago

There is no special __tag__ key in the JSON files. Instead, it is the lambda entry which is significant. While Ruby may depend on the YAML !code tag, that doesn't make it into the JSON format.

softmoth commented 3 years ago

I see. The __tag__ got removed after #113 was merged (commit 9944f2). I will look into how to put it back.

The nesting isn't valid Markdown, and breaks the display when viewing the rendered file, as on Github. Please compare:

I will moving what was "item" 2.1 back under item 2 as a mock sub-heading to see if it is better. Unfortunately, Markdown doesn't handle this particular structure elegantly as far as I know. I'll open a separate issue just for fixing this display issue.

Thanks for your review!

softmoth commented 3 years ago

BTW, the Rakefile hasn't inserted __tag__ since Ruby 1.9.3 switched the YAML processor from Syck to Psych. It's possibly why the JSON files hadn't been updated since 2011.

jgonggrijp commented 3 years ago

@softmoth You are right that the current numbering layout is broken. I didn't realize that.