mustache / spec

The Mustache spec.
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Spec tests for non-alphabetical partial names #58

Closed sartak closed 2 years ago

sartak commented 11 years ago

from specs/partials.yml: "The tag's content MUST be a non-whitespace character sequence NOT containing the current closing delimiter."

I added spec tests for partial names that include a number, hyphen, underscore, period, forward slash, colon, tilde, caret.

groue commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the contribution!

There are three tests that I think you should remove. They are related to the unspecified topic of the relationships between partials and the file system: deals with file extensions:

+  - name: Partial names: period
+    desc: Partial names can include periods
+    data: { text: 'content' }
+    template: '"{{>}}"'
+    partials: { '': '*{{text}}*' }
+    expected: '"*content*"' deals with file directory hierarchies:

+  - name: Partial names: forward slash
+    desc: Partial names can include forward slashes
+    data: { text: 'content' }
+    template: '"{{>partial/name}}"'
+    partials: { 'partial/name': '*{{text}}*' }
+    expected: '"*content*"' deals with the tilde, symbol of the home directory of a user in a Unix system:

+  - name: Partial names: tilde
+    desc: Partial names can include tildes
+    data: { text: 'content' }
+    template: '"{{>partial~name}}"'
+    partials: { 'partial~name': '*{{text}}*' }
+    expected: '"*content*"'

For a non-exhaustive reference of research on the subject made by other people:

Until this topic gets some clarification, I believe those tests should be removed from this pull request.

What do you think?

sartak commented 11 years ago

Hi Gwendal,

I removed the tests for period, forward slash, and tilde. I don't want this pull request to block on those discussions either, yeah :)

I amended my commit (it's now 66a3526b470c1637f91199fda94be73fa909f58d); it looks like github got the metadata on that right.

Cheers, Shawn

groue commented 11 years ago

Cool :-) Now let's wait for @pvande, the repo maintainer. I hope he merges your commit it :)

devinrhode2 commented 11 years ago

ping @pvande

What do you guys think of moving the mustache spec to be much more like handlebars, but that will of course work server side also?

Also, based on participation, @groue should be allowed as a maintainer for the spec, out of everyone he clearly cares the most about it.