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Composer: Configurable allowed HTML elements and attributes #52

Open benbucksch opened 6 months ago

benbucksch commented 6 months ago


Create a TipTap extension which allows arbitrary HTML elements and attributes, and is configured with simple arrays to list the elements and attributes.

Config format

The format for configuration should look exactly like this:

    "allowedTags": [
      "html", "head", "title", "body",  "style",
      "a", "article", "b", "blockquote", "br", "caption", "code", "del", "details", "div", "em",
      "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "hr", "i", "img", "ins", "kbd", "li", "main", "ol",
      "p", "pre", "section", "span", "strike", "strong", "sub", "summary", "sup", "table",
      "tbody", "td", "th", "thead", "tr", "u", "ul",
    "allowedAttributes": {
      "a": ["href", "name", "target"],
      "iframe": ["allowfullscreen", "frameborder", "src"],
      "img": ["src", "alt", "height", "width"],
      "blockquote": ["cite"],
      "td": ["width", "valign", "align"],
      "font": ["size", "color"],
      "*": ["class", "name", "id", "title", "style", "border"],



jermy-c commented 6 months ago


  1. Having an issue getting a list of extensions that are already in the editor, running getting the extensions in OnBeforeCreate() still runs after addExtensions(), it is very important so we know extensions are already in the editor and we don't alter them
benbucksch commented 6 months ago

If you need to get the list of other extensions during your own extension startup, you run into an inherent problem: You are also an extension, and you might not be able to guarantee the order of loading, so if you do this at startup, the other extension that you're trying to list might not be loaded yet.

If that's your problem, I see a number of potential solutions:

jermy-c commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the solutions!

  1. Listing the extension last can be achieved in the extension by setting the priority to a number lower than 100 but it doesn't seem to work or it works only on runtime.
  2. Delaying the extension, delays the startup of the editor.
  3. Writing the whitelist code in a defensive way, maybe the only option now.
jermy-c commented 6 months ago


  1. Adds tags to editor and avoids conflict by having the dev pass in the extension used(not ideal and will change once a better solution is found)
  2. All tags are added as nodes i.e. all tags are blocks and require at least a paragraph as their content<tag><p></p></tag>
  3. The extension list is still needed or at least the schema of it because for * or all HTML contents, we need to pass in all the node/mark types for types to add the attribute for all types.
  4. Just found out once the editor is initialized you can't enable/disable extensions, see
benbucksch commented 6 months ago

Have you tried to google whether other people tried to solve the same problem (esp. the whitelist) and had ideas?

jermy-c commented 5 months ago

Have you tried to google whether other people tried to solve the same problem (esp. the whitelist) and had ideas?

I have googled the problem and the only possible solution I've seen is to destroy and reinitialize the editor. The UUID pro extension is adding an attribute to all tags which something similar to the global attribute problem.

Update I might be able to implement it by creating a ProseMirror plugin and having the extension call that (for attributes only).


I might be able to implement it by creating a ProseMirror plugin and having the extension call that (for attributes only).

Won't work because it doesn't create the schema.


jermy-c commented 5 months ago


  1. Whitelist extension functional
  2. You can copy and paste HTML with inline CSS and it works (and other whitelist elements and attributes)
  3. Downside: it requires the dev to manually pass in the existing extensions