mustangostang / spyc

A simple YAML loader/dumper class for PHP
MIT License
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Tabs are not interpreded correctly ? #87

Open stevenart opened 3 years ago

stevenart commented 3 years ago

If y have the following code in my YAML file : primary: [section, key] (the character between "primary:" and "[sec..." is a tab [\t]) then the array is not parsed and returned as string : Array ( [0] => name: i18n [1] => table: _i18n_site [2] => primary: [section, key]

But if i add a space before the tab, it works : primary: [section, key] (two characters between "primary:" and "[sec..." = a space followed by a tab [\t]) then it works : Array ( [0] => name: i18n [1] => table: _i18n_site [primary] => Array ( [0] => section [1] => key )

Both worked with spyc 0.5 but now with 0.6.2, it's not. Is there something I'm missing?

stevenart commented 3 years ago

I found the way to fix the behaviour of 0.6.2 to match 0.5. In the function returnKeyValuePair, I replaced the ": " string by simply ":". It now explodes on ":", not ": ".

private function returnKeyValuePair ($line) {
    $array = array();
    $key = '';
    if (strpos ($line, ':')) {
      // It's a key/value pair most likely
      // If the key is in double quotes pull it out
      if (($line[0] == '"' || $line[0] == "'") && preg_match('/^(["\'](.*)["\'](\s)*:)/',$line,$matches)) {    
        $value = trim(str_replace($matches[1],'',$line));
        $key   = $matches[2];
      } else {
        // Do some guesswork as to the key and the value
        $explode = explode(':', $line);
        $key     = trim(array_shift($explode));
        $value   = trim(implode(':', $explode));
      // Set the type of the value.  Int, string, etc
      $value = $this->_toType($value);
      if ($key === '0') $key = '__!YAMLZero';
      $array[$key] = $value;
    } else {
      $array = array ($line);
    return $array;